Twitter Using Section 230 To Avoid Sex Trafficking Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Twitter Using Section 230 To Avoid Sex Trafficking Lawsuit

National Pulse: Twitter is seeking the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by a child sex trafficking victim and relying on Section 230 to do so.

The controversial section of the Communications Decency Act, which has recently come under fire from conservatives, is a critical part of Twitter’s argument for the dismissal of the case.

“Given that Twitter’s alleged liability here rests on its failure to remove content from its platform, dismissal of the Complaint with prejudice is warranted on this ground alone,” the social media platform argued. read more

11 Comments on Twitter Using Section 230 To Avoid Sex Trafficking Lawsuit

  1. …we need a rewrite of Dantes “Inferno” to add a 10th circle of hell just for the pedos and those that support them. I like the concept he has in the schismatics circle a little higher in the 9th where he forces the dividers to march endlessly in a circle past a demon with a sword that splits them in different, painful ways over and over again forever, which is where most Democrats and RINOs need to be too, so maybe do THAT, but have them march UNDER and in FRONT of the devil so he can rape them repeatedly and humiliatingly in front of all the other pedos they lived life with, in every orifice until it tears and spilts, and let the devil jam it in harder the more they scream, just like THEY did to their victims in life. Let them then be pulled away from the devil once he chokes them with his foul semen, only to be bartered over by lesser demons who slap and prove their helpless bodies as they discuss loudly in front of them what features they like and what they’re going to do to them. Let the demons then rape them, pass them around, and rape them some more until it’s their turn with the devil again, and have video set up all over hell so all their friends can see what’s being done to them and what’s going to happen to their friends as well. Maybe cast them aside in a dank, lightless room every century or so for a week just so they can feel the pain of their cruelly damaged body, watch the sores from the sexual diseases rise and fester, feel the agony of burning urine, and jump every time a drunken demons stomps towards their cell or bangs on their door, knowing they have no hope of rescue and the next time that door opens, it will just be so they can be dragged out to have their disease riddled, pain wracked, starved bodies so thin their boney prominences are painful clawed at, bid over, and raped insensible all over again.

    Do that for all eternity.

    And it will, at least, be a good START for giving them the pain, humiliation, and torment they’ve caused.

    …yes, were Dante alive, I’d commission that rewrite.

    …but he’d have to go there HIMSELF because he lusted throgh ALL has books for the 14 year old Beatrice…

    …don’t know what it is about politics that makes the powerful and connected rapey…

    …but as long as it DOES, there needs to be TRUE Justice done to them.

    …the bill just keeps getting larger for them…

    …I only hope I live long enough to help start extract payment…

  2. Gonad – Things go very wrong when communists and queers are in charge of anything!
    They’re either in the business of censoring or they’re not. Their is no grey (or shades thereof) area there!
    They can’t just pick and choose what to control and what not to control without exposing an agenda!
    Had they simply classified themselves as a Carrier (which is to say no censoring of any sort) there would be no basis for a law suit. The fact that they insert themselves, by censoring certain content they disagree with, by the same token means they give their de facto approval of content that they don’t censor. Therefore they are promoting an agenda which can also be construed as content and we know the Left likes to “nudge” (read push!) Provided that the court isn’t corrupted (good luck with that these days) this case is a slam dunk!

  3. All the complaintant needs to do is to showcase all of the times Twitter voluntarily blocked or removed content, to show that they have the capability and motivations to do so, and that they could have done the same here — and DIDN’T.

  4. Twitter’s argument is BS. They found one sentence of mine that they deemed offensive and kicked my off permanently. My tweet was in response to a leftist’s tweet which was about on the same level of crudeness. They did not remove her comment, which is why I found it in the first place.

    Twitter’s defense that, due to a high volume of tweets, they can’t review every one, is garbage.

  5. When the radical left wing of the GOP overrode Don’s veto 2.5 months ago this is what they wanted! It was crystal clear why the overrode the veto – to conservatives! NOW IS SHOULD BE CLEAR TO ALL!

    The GOP , askBarry said 61 years ago, is and has been run by NeoCommies! If this does not tell you that, I question:
    a. Your honesty
    b. Your brainpower

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