UK: Green Party politician wants a curfew for men after 6pm at night – IOTW Report

UK: Green Party politician wants a curfew for men after 6pm at night


Just in case you thought I was exaggerating when I call the left deranged… This Green Party politician wants a curfew for men after 6pm at night. A better case for reform of the House of Lords has never been seen.


31 Comments on UK: Green Party politician wants a curfew for men after 6pm at night

  1. Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb is her title. (nice to be Queen Eh.)
    She is married to a man. (i’m shocked)

    Honey, trying to make it illegal for your “husband” to go to the Pub just to get away from you will not get you the affection that your face and personality repel.

  2. Now all men must punished for the behavior of a group of people who systematically oppress women.

    I wonder if they are the welcomed diverse newcomers or if they are the children and grand children of her contemporaries? Hmmm….

  3. geoff the aardvark
    MARCH 14, 2021 AT 1:06 PM
    “Why do a lot of lefty women look like they would give Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolfman and the Mummy nightmares?”

    …ah, the old philiophical question…does leftism make women ugly or do leftist women go leftist to get revenge on everyone who thinks they’re ugly?

    …chicken, egg, chicken, egg…

  4. I guess 3 lockdowns, not being allowed to go a mile from your house, not being allowed to sit on a park bench, not being allowed to have Christmas just wasn’t enough for them.

  5. Why don’t we just ban policemen on the street after 6pm? It was a policeman, after all, who was arrested for the young woman’s murder that prompted this ridiculous proposal.

    Oh, wait… maybe this is the logical result of defunding the police: Just cancel the night shift.

  6. Spent some time in Wales back in the late 90’s. Amazingly nice people & incomprehensible language! I would imagine the snowflakes will want to ban the Welsh language next because they probably think it mocks them in some way.

  7. For those across the pond who perchance might like to send The Baroness a politely worded note (No FUCK YOU’s please, we’re British)

    Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb
    Queef Manor,
    44 Toadeye Lane,
    Coven Tree,
    United Kingdom
    X5Y 2B9

    (not a real address, making fun of the Brits and their long ones – addresses that is)

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