Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Problem – IOTW Report

Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Problem

Did you know? Full details here:…

SNIP: My thoughts-
The reason they’re going after Cuomo for the sexual harassment scandals and not the nursing home scandals, which would be far easier to prove, is because he wasn’t the only one involved in it. Too many people, I think, knew what he was doing and said nothing. Why would the Dems say anything? They were getting campaign contributions from the same place Cuomo was. So, it would be far better to force him to quit over sexual harassment allegations than to dig into who-knew-what over the nursing homes scandal.

If we find out the Dems knew Cuomo was killing grandmothers and did nothing, how would that make them look?

22 Comments on Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Problem

  1. Nursing home deaths drag in other Dims who may have their own investigations to squash if Cuomo gets the boot for that reason.
    I wondered why Whitmer was so vocal against him the other day…or is her glass house shatterproof?

  2. “…how would that make them look?”

    if he’s being looked at by cold lifeless zombie eyes, such as biden has, he probably looks fine.
    he wasn’t the only democrat governor to do what he did.
    and he did do it.

  3. If there was such a thing as a Republicant with balls, he would argue “what’s another sex scandal for a democrat, it’s who they are” and then make the point that this is ONLY a SQUIRREL to take attention away from his yearlong massacre.

    Play back the damn tapes that showed this ape ARGUING and DEMEANING the US POTUS. Document the inventory of ventillators that he DEMANDED for NY that went unused, while other states had to wait for them. Reveal how much money was wasted on the Javits Center set up for patient overflow and the cost of the Hospital Ship that saw ZERO patients.

    He should suffer physically for what he done, the dervish.

  4. None of this considers the threshold question, which is: why do they want him gone in the first place. The answer to that is that his political capital derives from a different dirty Dem machine, more old-school, not the current progressive totalitarian stripe. And he gained too much popular cred with the Dem base over 2020, when they let him be the big anti-Trump-covid media kahuna.

    (Aside, Cuomo is worse than you’ve heard re pharmaceutical payola corruption. Look up lab on Long Island.)

  5. Other BIG reason: MULTIPLE Democrat governors are guilty of sending COVID into nursing homes.
    If one is punished, so too should the others be punished.
    This prosecution mentality could spread like COVID-19.
    This could impact a LOT of Democrats.
    So they want to get Cuomo off the stage for any other reason.

  6. “No man is an island.”
    “It takes a village to raise a village idiot.”

    So, Stalin should be exonerated (or charged with sexual harassment) for the deaths of Millions of Ukrainians because he had henchmen?

    And Hilter should be exonerated (or charged with sexual harassment) for the Holocaust because he had henchmen?

    Sorry. Not seeing it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Cuomo needs to be neutered politically. Knowing that Biden is a one termer (if that) he did not join the White House, thus signaling his intent to run in 2024. He would slice and dice the vapid tard Harris in a primary. They can’t afford the fallout by taking him down for the 15,000 murders as other dem governors had the same policies, the WH called him the gold standard of leadership, and CNN & others all carried him on their shoulders as a hero. Hard to explain your way out of that. Too much collateral damage. The sexual allegations problem belongs to Cuomo and Cuomo alone. It’s perfect. Whether he goes all the way down or not, he’s damaged merchandise & can’t make a 2024 run. Problem solved.

  8. It’s never about “justice” with Democrats. I always ONLY about the “narrative” to achieve unstated objectives. There is SO much evidence for this over the decades. They think they’re SO clever and the American people SO stupid.

  9. That should be a lesson to people. They should lead a clean and moral existence because if they don’t, it will provide their “allies” a reason to get rid of them in lieu of something much worse but for political reasons they can’t use against them.

    Even Democrats need sacrificial lambs from time to to time. Just look at the progression of group photos with Stalin and Mao from which people “disappear.”

  10. Killing old people is ok with the left, and so is the killingnof white people.

    Cuomo is out because he’s in the left’s way. Wait till you see who replaces him – you’ll want him back.

  11. The sex scandal has always been a red herring. Look over here, not over there. The nursing home murders have FAR more serious implications, and besides, DeBlasio, Schumer and the rest are doing him a huge favor by focusing on the sex.

    I hope Janice Dean continues her relentless pursuit of the nursing home murders.

  12. Follow the $$$

    And how he made those places free from being sued (law) as a result of any deaths or other…that might occur and they DID…

    Also…we need to look up the contributions made to Cuomo…from The Nursing Home Association of NY and others… when running for his terms as gov.

    I live here I have been paying very CLOSE to this…

    Follow the $$$



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