Rick Scott Circulates DACA Amnesty Plan Amid Illegal Immigration Surge – IOTW Report

Rick Scott Circulates DACA Amnesty Plan Amid Illegal Immigration Surge

National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) is circulating a plan that would provide amnesty to potentially millions of illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Two sources confirmed to Breitbart News the details of Scott’s plan, originally posted online, which would allow DACA illegal aliens to permanently resettle in the United States by providing them a “conditional permanent” residency for 10 years before they can apply for green cards and eventually gain American citizenship.

Scott, the sources said, has been circulating the amnesty to Senate Republicans asking them to co-sponsor the legislation. Scott’s office did not respond to a request for comment when asked by Breitbart News if they could verify the legislation. It is unclear if any other Senate Republicans have signed on to support the amnesty. read more

Amnesty for a border wall. LOL! That’s cute.
Ask Reagan how that worked.
GFY, Rick Scott.

Here is his contact info.
Let the bald motherfucker know what’s up.
You know, without getting the cops called on you. lol.

13 Comments on Rick Scott Circulates DACA Amnesty Plan Amid Illegal Immigration Surge

  1. What a no good TRAITOROUS BASTARD he is! How many red, white, and blue Patriots do you think we have in federal and state government? Seems to me every damn one of them is for sale.

  2. Ronald Reagan could tell this waffling, moderate, fence straddling, pretender of a U.S. Senator how well his amnesty worked when the Demsheviks reneged on their promise to strengthen the border with Mexico in exchange for the first amnesty. He considered it his biggest mistake during the eight years when he was President.

  3. Rick, like Charley, years ago was ,”A proud Bush Republican”! Chalry made it Crystal clear 9 years ago A BUSH REPUBLICAN IS ANOTHER WAY TO SAY DEMOCRAT!

    Yes,I am saying Rick is actually a Democrat.

  4. He pulled the same shit as governor of FL when quietly signing an Order granting in-state tuition for illegals.

    Skeeze. Marco’s brother from another mother.

  5. “Vote for me in November and please contribute while I legalize millions of illegals who’ll take your jobs, consume your tax dollars via entitlements and infrastructure expenditures, increase crime in your communities, and bring back diseases we had previously eradicated here but aren’t bothering to screen for now.” Un-fucking-believable. The Republican Party either needs to be purged — and purged HARD — or else it just needs to fucking DIE.

  6. I hate to say it, but President Trump is naive in his belief the GOP can be reformed. It’s toast. We need a third party, to at least see what shit is left in the GOP.


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