4 People on the FBI’s Terror Watchlist Were Arrested at Border – IOTW Report

4 People on the FBI’s Terror Watchlist Were Arrested at Border


They’re already here. This has been a national security concern for years. Terrorists using the broken border situation to slip through the cracks and plot mayhem on American soil. The border is in crisis mode right now. The Biden concentration camps are at capacity, COVID is running rampant, and Democrats simply do not care. There are political calculations to their indifference of course — but now four people matching names on the FBI’s terror watch list have been arrested at the border. Three were from Yemen, one was from Serbia. MORE

11 Comments on 4 People on the FBI’s Terror Watchlist Were Arrested at Border

  1. Why isn’t the federal reserve board chairman on the fbi’ wanted list?
    He is corrupt, he is evil, and he is a thief.

    When this country was in its infancy, there was a law on the books to execute people who were doing exactly what he is doing.

    He is debasing the currency. And it is never ending.
    He is an enemy of the American people. The whole federal reserve board is.
    They are stealing you blind.
    And it is fine with Sen Richard Shelby, (R) who does not want anyone out of the mainstream on the federal reserve board. Out of the mainstream means someone who does not want the federal reserve printing money like it is confetti.

    Once again, the blob, the evil, corrupt blob, is stealing from every american. And the republican party is not only doing nothing, it is cheering it on.

    It is fruitless to point at the democrats or the deep state and call out their diabolic activity. Because it is the entire gov’t that works to transfer every single thing there is from us to them.
    They are all evil. Every single one of them. If they work for the gov’t, they are scum.


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