GOP Rep. Greene Goes Off On Biden Over His Latest Failure: ‘He’s A Danger To America’ – IOTW Report

GOP Rep. Greene Goes Off On Biden Over His Latest Failure: ‘He’s A Danger To America’

Trending Politics:

Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene went off on Joe Biden this week and said he should be impeached for “abuse of power.”

During an interview on Just The News, Greene told host David Brody that Biden is “a danger to America.”

Brody kicked things off by asking Greene about her hashtag “#ImpeachBiden” on Twitter and what message she was trying to send.

“I introduced Articles of Impeachment on Joe Biden early on when I entered Congress back in January,” Rep. Greene said. “The reason why I did so is because Joe Biden is on record for abusing his office and abusing the positions he holds, which are very powerful. It’s an abuse of power”.

Greene introduced articles of impeachment against Biden on January 21, 2021 “for abuse of power” and made the formal announcement in a press release.

“We know that he’s done these things. He withheld money from Ukraine. He’s on record saying that on video, admitting himself, just to get a certain prosecutor fired that was coming after his son, Hunter. Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and his brother James Biden– we all know that they had plans and may still have big plans with business in China having to do with energy companies,” Greene explained. read more

7 Comments on GOP Rep. Greene Goes Off On Biden Over His Latest Failure: ‘He’s A Danger To America’

  1. The Republicans are seeing and saying the same thing about Biden that the Democrats saw and said about Trump.

    And they both fully believe in it as the truth.

    An expression of the irreconcilable division that we have in out country now, a division that I blame on Obama although it got its start under Clinton.

    This can’t continue this way, something is going to change and change soon. It won’t necessarily be something that either side wants or will be happy about.

  2. Yesterday, 72 Democrats voted to remove her from Congress:

    That’s how it works now, right? The majority party can just expel any member elected by the people if they dob’t like your social media post history.

    Can Republicans not hold a vote to remove Nancy Pelosi, Steve Cohen or a host of the other subhuman scum the Communist Traitor Party elected.

  3. Unfortunately impeaching Jackass Joe would be like ripping a giant, ugly-ass, ghetto hood ornament off of a 1971 Pinto. Yer still left with an absolute piece of shit!


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