Report: Myanmar Military Seizes George Soros Organization’s Bank Accounts, Announces Arrest Warrants After Coup – IOTW Report

Report: Myanmar Military Seizes George Soros Organization’s Bank Accounts, Announces Arrest Warrants After Coup

National File:
The military government in Myanmar, in place after a coup provoked by widespread accusations of voter fraud plagued the country’s recent election, has now seized the bank accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

After taking control of the country in a military coup provoked by allegations of voter fraud earlier this year, the Myanmar military government has seized several bank accounts belonging or affiliated with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and has announced arrest warrants for 11 members of the organization in the country “on suspicion of giving financial support to the civil disobedience movement against the military junta.”

The government will also take legal action against the Open Society Foundations, which they allege violated “restrictions on the activities of such organizations” and did not receive approval from Myanmar’s authorities for the deposit of $5 million into their Myanmar bank accounts. It is also alleged to have illegally withdrawn $1.4 million from its bank accounts.

website that tracks Myanmar political developments from Thailand wrote, “Military-aligned groups including the Union Solidarity and Development Party have accused Soros of manipulating Myanmar’s politics by supporting civil society organizations in the country.” more

14 Comments on Report: Myanmar Military Seizes George Soros Organization’s Bank Accounts, Announces Arrest Warrants After Coup

  1. The military’s action seems a little spurious, so more details needed. The reference to “civil society” is probably the formal names organization “Civil Society 2.0” which if it has Soros, Clinton, and Hussein involved is civil in name only.

  2. …you would think that, with THIS many nations that know what he is and have been burned by him that SOMEONE could come up with a halfway-decent sniper or effective assassin to deal with him, but you’d be wrong…

  3. Tim
    MARCH 19, 2021 AT 12:08 PM
    ““… a halfway-decent sniper or effective assassin …”

    Can’t kill the Devil.
    Best you can hope for is to send him back to Hell.”

    …true, but come ON! Mossad can’t get him? They used to be BIG on hunting Nazis, as Simon Wiesenthal could tell you, he was pretty GOOD at it, too.

    …he’s pissed off the RUSSIANS! the KGB took out a guy on a crowded street in London once with a POISON INJECTING UMBRELLA! You’re telling me Putin’s FSB can’t get it done?

    …I know evil never dies, but it seems like SOMEONE could at least make it change BODIES, for crying out loud…

  4. Just shoot his plane down -with all his top aids in it.

    But then, jeff bezos and his ex wife have given evil forces more money than soros. Soros has just been at it longer.

  5. Soros was indicted in France wasn’t he?
    We don’t have an extradition treaty with them but it surprises me Trump didn’t explore it.
    Burma and other countries showing more spine than the US.
    He practically owns Maine.
    In this small state there are between 50 and 60 of his Emerge America grads in govt positions.

    Off topic:
    Governor General Mills has extended her dictatorship for another 30 days.


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