Vladimir Putin Ups the Ante, Challenges Joe Biden to a Live, Public Debate: “Without Any Delays” – – IOTW Report

Vladimir Putin Ups the Ante, Challenges Joe Biden to a Live, Public Debate: “Without Any Delays” –

Biden Declines.

24 Comments on Vladimir Putin Ups the Ante, Challenges Joe Biden to a Live, Public Debate: “Without Any Delays” –

  1. Just the world seeing and hearing Trump and Putin together, talking, smiling, having a cocktail or two and getting along famously would make the Swamp explode! Imagine what they could reveal…

  2. This is just a move in a Chess game, maybe a direct part of a strategy or maybe a diversionary move to keep the greater strategy unnoticed.

    I wonder how Biden ranks as a Chess player?

  3. The difference between Russia and China is, Russia will say it to your face. With a smile.

    China? They’re gonna say something, and smile, but they’ll also hug you so they can feel up your kidneys.

  4. Possibly a lose/lose for Poot –
    Biden wins debate:
    “Jeez, Vlad, Ya got rolled by the dude that can’t outwit oatmeal”

    Putin wins debate:
    “You’re a real tough guy, Poot, Ya beat up a crippled old retard”

    (But seriously, joe scoring a win would be the long shot of the century)

  5. MJA
    “The difference between Russia and China is, Russia will say it to your face. With a smile. ”

    Exactly. And If you’re an old fuck like me that demands to be respected. What can I say? To many westerns.

  6. Believe it or not, I think that the world needs America, and Russia to be strong enough to keep China in check. And I believe Putin respects Trump for that reason, and conversely that Putin has NO respect for Biden or his handlers.

    The real enemy are the globalist Oligarchs. Russia has oligarchs, but they have no capability to compete on a global scale. Trump and Putin together, in an odd symbiotic way, had/have the ability to keep the world in order – and not the NWO kind of way..

  7. I’m waiting for my libtard friends to say something like,” how wonderful it is to have a President who stands up to Putin instead of being beholden to him.”

    They honestly don’t see President Grandpa as having declining cognitive abilities. He’s just soft spoken and compassionate yet strong.

    Makes me barf.

  8. To paraphrase that gorilla michelle obama: For the first time in my adult life, I am ashamed of my country.

    Who’d ever thought I’d prefer Putin to the likes of biden/susan rice?

  9. “Putin knows Biden is weak and welcomes the chance to embarrass him.”
    Biden’s on the verge of becoming our first “Virtual President’. Biden is inconsequential. He’s a sock puppet. And this entire episode is a distraction


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