‘Stunning Development’: Priest Who Presided Over Biden’s Inauguration Mass Is Now Under Investigation – IOTW Report

‘Stunning Development’: Priest Who Presided Over Biden’s Inauguration Mass Is Now Under Investigation

WJ: The Jesuit priest who presided over the Mass that President Joe Biden attended at his inauguration is now under investigation.

The Rev. Kevin O’Brien, president of Santa Clara University in California, has been put on leave with officials refusing to explain what exactly he is accused of doing, according to The San Jose Mercury News, which called the investigation a “stunning development.”

Such details as are being made officially available were posted by John Sobrato, chairman of the university’s Board of Trustees, on the college’s website.


18 Comments on ‘Stunning Development’: Priest Who Presided Over Biden’s Inauguration Mass Is Now Under Investigation

  1. I read Malachi Martin’s book The Jesuits shortly after it was published, if I still considered anything regarding Jesuits “stunning” prior to reading that book I certainly extinguished that naivety by reading it. When I was in college I was in the Campus Ministry and my contribution to a conversation going on was: if it were up to me the entire Jesuits order would be excommunicated en mass and the order would only be lifted on an individual basis and only after thorough vetting. To say that remark set off a shit storm of biblical proportions in the Benedictine college I attended would be about right. I have absolutely nothing but contempt for the order collectively, but there are individual SJ priests I hold in extremely high regard.

    Fr Robert Spitzer SJ would be an example of an outstanding example of a priest I hold in the highest regard. Too many of them however are apostates and/or Marxist infiltrators if not outright Satanists. Way too many of them.

  2. He’s a prevert…. he “exhibited behaviors in adult settings, consisting primarily of conversations…”

    Probably said something like “The Pope can go [BLEEP] himself.”

    Or, “Biden’s an idiot.”

    Something preverted like that.

  3. ‘“I have been informed by the Provincial of the USA West Province that the Jesuit Provincial Office recently received accounts that Father O’Brien exhibited behaviors in adult settings, consisting primarily of conversations, which may be inconsistent with established Jesuit protocols and boundaries,” Sobrato wrote.’

    So, what’d they do? Trade pedo stories?

  4. I have seen a pyramid chart with Satan at the
    top.The Jessys were waaaay up towards the top.
    CIA,FBI,NSA MAFIA were down below the Catholics.

  5. something just clicked in my brain, weren’t there three brothers who were Jesuits in New York raising hell about something, they were arrested, I think there was a fire, and I think people got killed. Must have been in the 50s/60s.Kerrigan Brothers or something like that?

  6. My Grandmother faithfully went to church every Sunday that she was able to and gave for both collections when the basket came around. If a grand kid stayed over you got to watch cartoons AFTER church but it was a 2 part deal with her.

    She had a stroke and despite My grandmother vehemently reinforcing for over a decade that she wanted NO HEROIC MEASURES OR DEVICES if any thing happened to her, Her Priest convinced my Mom that feeding tubes, IV drips, air mattresses, and remaining “alive” for 3 years barely conscious with bed sores was not heroic.

    After 3 years the same PIG said, “well she isn’t really alive is she?” when my mom could not take it any more. After not seeing her for 3 years the priest suddenly had a different opinion.

    When she died, her priest was busy and sent a replacement from another church to the funeral home to lead the prayers over the body. Late, disinterested, and so clearly going through the motions, we bit out lips for my mom’s sake.

    The next day the church did not hold her final mass during the actual funeral because they were having a bake sale in the basement (made no sense). They sent us to the next church over with still a different Priest. (also disinterested, mumbling, no one had ever met him before either) “You are not a member of our parish” were his exact words. This time my mom was upset and told him politely.

    When GRANDMA needed them the most, they were absolutely ABSENT.

    WE have never forgotten the unneeded suffering they encouraged, the abandonment, & that they could not hold a small mass at a different time for a faithful woman who lived in the community before that church was built.

    They were Jesuits.

  7. Jesuit priest?? My dad always said the Society Of Jesus was nothing more than a trade school for Communists.

    This mackerel-snapper priest is under a cloud of suspicion because they’re sure he and his fellow fuck-buddy paedophile Greezy Joe spit-roasted an 11 year old sex-trafficked boy.

  8. Years back, the Catholic priest of our small town Catholic Church turned out to be one of the perverts that had been protected by the Catholic Church. My oldest son would always tell his mother that he was creepy and she refused to believe he could possibly be a bad person because he was, after all, a Catholic priest. Father Frank Paduch was just another child molester within the priesthood of the Catholic Church who got away with his crap because he was allowed to. None of my sons were victimized by him but I wonder how many children were. He was often moved around by the Catholic Church to protect him. I’ve never been Catholic so I would not have hesitated to beat to death a priest if he had victimized my child. Google that rat bastard.


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