Maxey: Hunter Biden had business ties with Xi Jinping himself – IOTW Report

Maxey: Hunter Biden had business ties with Xi Jinping himself

 (LifeSiteNews) — Stunning revelations about Hunter Biden and his family’s notorious business dealings came to light in this week’s episode of the John-Henry Westen Show during an interview with Jack Maxey, former co-host of Steve Bannon’s War Room and one of the first people to go through the contents of Biden’s alleged laptop last October.

Maxey revealed that Hunter Biden may have had business ties to China’s Xi Jinping, based on emails from the laptop. Correspondence also links the Bidens to possible Chinese espionage and illegal Beijing-backed business arrangements. As the Biden family’s China dealings went south, Hunter may have gone so far as to try to purposefully incriminate his own his father, now the President of the United States, Maxey said.

The contents of the notorious “laptop from hell,” first discovered in 2019 at a computer shop near the Bidens’ home in Delaware, have been corroborated by former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinksi. At least one key email was validated by cybersecurity experts, and law enforcement officials also have signaled that the laptop is authentic.  more

17 Comments on Maxey: Hunter Biden had business ties with Xi Jinping himself

  1. AND……

    This laptop & contents have been floating around since NO-fucking-Vember.

    Can any asshole who knows its contents just barf it out openly on the internet and let the card fall where they may?

    Giuliani are you a hero or not?

    Rush the bunker or go wash dishes in the mess hall FFS!

    An entire country, North America, and the next 200 years are hanging in the balance!

  2. Seriously, 3 more years of this laptop from hell bullshit that has yielded what?

    Dump the fucking shit and then claim whistle blower status. Anyone?

  3. In the real world this would be an impeachable offense. Just how compromised is joey to the Chicoms? Can you imagine the political stink if Trump had connections to the chinks like this. He’d be crucified but joey gets a pass because he’s a democrap.

  4. China approached this as a hostile, corporate take-over…and if you’re in the millitary, how does it feel to be a democRAT stooge run by a demented, old man wholly owned by the CCP?

  5. None of the contents of Humper’s laptop mattered to the tens of millions of Dominion voters who supposedly elected these two Fraudsters. It was Russian Collusion! Humper was framed! He’s the smartest person that Poor Noddy Joe ever knew, except he has dementia and can’t remember meeting any of those ChiComs his business partner was dealing with on his account. He’s the Big Guy without any recollection or records.

  6. Kcir (cause I give a kcuf) March 21, 2021 at 2:34 am

    Seriously, 3 more years of this laptop from hell bullshit that has yielded what?

    It’s yielded a pedophile crack smoking kid of a dementia patient to rule the United States, enact stunts that are treasonous, and they’re getting away with it. The “freedom” experiment is coming to an end. I don’t know if we can recover from this without a civil war and come out victorious. We’re ALL going to stand in front of our maker, faith is all we have left.

  7. Big deal that anyone has a regret for voting in these demons. Can’t change stupid, most go on to do more stupid $hit. One thing I see as beneficial, those who regret get to suffer along with the rest of us. I’d like to see those worthless voters suffer more just so they realize what their actions did. The Jimma Carter days were brutal, Biden isn’t going to be any different other than maybe worse. Democrats are 1-termers this go around.

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