Confused Biden Has Kamala, Secret Service Direct Him Where to Go – IOTW Report

Confused Biden Has Kamala, Secret Service Direct Him Where to Go

At first I thought he was just shooting the breeze and taking too damn long to get moving. But then all the pointing started.

In other news—
Check this meme out—> This is sad, because it’s actually true.

24 Comments on Confused Biden Has Kamala, Secret Service Direct Him Where to Go

  1. …as for the meme, the 2 year old girls grandpa also rapes his grand daughters, so she’d best hope he dies before he starts getting sniffingly interested…

  2. The Thousand Yard Squint must be waiting for his buddy President Obama to get in the helicopter. We are so screwed. He gets the dirty diaper, we’ll get the dirty bomb.

  3. This man is the greatest gift to Chyna, I-ran, & Russia Russia Russia ever!

    If any US enemy has dirt on Joe they WILL NOT make it public. They love his incompetence & his son’s corruptibility.

  4. If you think about it, Susan Rice and her handlers have quite a deal with Biden: they distract with a puppet front, and go leftist-wild behind the scenes, damaging what’s left of our nation so there is no return to what we knew it as.

  5. Anonymous – assuming you’re the same one who has posted previous comments about Susan Rice being Beideng’s handler – you couldn’t be further from the truth. Rice is a foot soldier. ValJar was and is, calling the shots in the Obama 1.0 and current 2.0 administrations – in conjunction with George Soros, of course.


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