Does the Congressional Black Caucus know whom it represents? – IOTW Report

Does the Congressional Black Caucus know whom it represents?

American Thinker- On Friday, the House passed two immigration bills making it incredibly easy for several million illegal aliens in America to become citizens. This is, of course, a siren call for more illegal aliens to enter America. The bills’ passage wasn’t a surprise, of course, because the Democrats clearly want to replace existing Americans with a new, more affordable and compliant population. What is a surprise, though, is the enthusiasm the Congressional Black Caucus (“CBC”) feels for two bills that will cause harm to American Blacks.

The first bill extends citizenship to the approximately 2.5 million people who were categorized as “dreamers” under the Obama administration. The second bill is a pathway to several million illegal aliens working in the agricultural sector.

This post will not analyze those bills. Instead, let me quote what the CBC’s enthusiastic press release said about the bills’ passage: more

h/t NAAC

9 Comments on Does the Congressional Black Caucus know whom it represents?

  1. The black caucus exploits blacks no less than corrupt ghetto preachers driving around in roll royces. They in turn, are exploited by white liberals like pelosi, schumer and the fang.

  2. Democrats are pure unabashed opportunists whose naked exploitation of each and every population they purport to represent is what has defined them for decades. How they operate is so transparently obvious that it defies logic how anyone could fall for their duplicitous nature. There isn’t a word in the English language to fully describe the magnitude of self serving bullshit they trade in.

    Cesar Chavez, whose bust is in Biden Oval Office, has history of anti-immigration comments and positions

  3. The Republican establishment is just as duplicitous. It is either a testament to the extreme naivety or to the magnanimous nature of the public that the lot of them haven’t been tarred and feathered if not drawn and quartered by now.

  4. I happen to work in the food industry in southwest Michigan and have been to many produce farms many times over the past 20 years. One big difference I noticed during the Trump years was a shift from almost 100% Hispanic farm workers before Trump to a mix Hispanic, black, and some white farm workers. I bet that will change now and go back to mostly Hispanic again.

    There is a very large produce processing plant (part of a national organization) in a larger city in my service area, and the changes to its workforce were the same as the farms. The population of this particular city is mostly (80%+) black and the unemployment rate was around 27% before Trump. Before Trump this particular processing plant was staffed mostly by Hispanics (like 95%) but during the Trump years it shifted to about 45% Hispanic and 45% black and 10% white.

    But that will likely change now, also. Stolen elections have dire consequences.


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