Arizona’s GOP-led Senate to hand count 2.1 million Maricopa ballots in presidential race – IOTW Report

Arizona’s GOP-led Senate to hand count 2.1 million Maricopa ballots in presidential race

Just The News-

Republicans in the Arizona legislature will perform a full hand recount of the nearly 2.1 million votes cast in Maricopa County in the 2020 presidential election of, a state GOP leader announced this week. 

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann said in a statement released by Arizona Senate Republicans that state GOP leaders have decided on a “preferred forensic audit” the final details of which are currently being worked out.

“The audit will be broad and detailed,” Fann said. “[T]he team will include, but is not limited to, testing the machines, scanning the ballots, performing a full hand count and checking for any IT breaches. more

13 Comments on Arizona’s GOP-led Senate to hand count 2.1 million Maricopa ballots in presidential race

  1. Keep in mind, Folks! Under Federal Law, all ballots cast after election must be held for 22 months (1 year, 10 months).

    I really wonder, if it is found that Trump won after all, what will happen next?

    I would pray (and plead and pray) that all these criminal vote fraudsters were paraded out publicly – in person – to the American public, and publicly shamed, beaten (if close enough); and, in most egregious cases, publicly hanged, and their possessions, property and/or bank accounts seized as is done in any typical drug bust.

    They robbed me of my God-given individual Sovereignty and Vote.

  2. “When all the work is done, there will be a full report for the Senate and County to review.”

    Wonder how long that will take, maybe three or four years?

    In any event, I’ve been calling for hand recounts all along so now that this is being done maybe we can finally end up with something definitive and put faith in our various kinds of speculation in the past in favor of true results.

  3. The Dems are in the process of getting rid of Biden.
    Dems and media are complaining about him more every day.
    He’ll be gone in May.

    When the truth of the fraud comes out he’ll be blamed but won’t be prosecuted due to dementia. Then everyone else will do nothing.

  4. @ ILA
    Preach it!!!
    Yes, this travesty much not be allowed to go unpunished. I want to see public shaming, punishments, and executions. No one who was involved in this should enjoy a moment’s peace for the rest of their sorry lives. Here is where I totally embrace “cancel culture”.
    Instead of a scarlet letter A, they should be tattooed with an F for fraud on their foreheads.

  5. At this point like it really matters…we know ( they did it…they know they did it… but what can be done about it?

    Joey Cringe is not, never was, nor ever will be the legitimate President of the United States – but how we go back and put President Trump back in office (HIS RIGHTFUL OFFICE BYT THW WAY)?

    No mechanism beyond a coup or revolution. And I don’t think Americans (to turn a phrase) are that woke.

    So those that are Patriots are obsolete

  6. Interesting about the IT audit since one of the “features” of the machines is that they keep no audit trail of changes, which can be accomplished manually. At best they could try to audit the software currently loaded, but since there is no trail for any tampering, the correct software could be reloaded with no telltale. A mighty swing, perhaps, but still striking out.

  7. By now the majority of people understand the election was stolen. What is hard for me to believe is there are still people out there who think somehow the election results will be reversed. Does anyone still think that they will toss the senile old fart out into the street, along with all the disturbingly anti-American vermin he brought with him? Sorry. Never gonna happen.


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