Sidney Powell seeks dismissal of Dominion’s $1.3B suit – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell seeks dismissal of Dominion’s $1.3B suit

BPR: Sidney Powell, the conservative legal firebrand who helped spearhead President Trump‘s court challenges to his 2020 defeat, is seeking to throw out a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit against her from the election technology company Dominion Voting Systems. MORE

9 Comments on Sidney Powell seeks dismissal of Dominion’s $1.3B suit

  1. “reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process.”

    That says everything that needs to be known about Sidney and her claims, reasonable people won’t believe them as her request for dismissal, to avoid having to present them in Court, obviously shows.

    Her she has the chance to present them in court and is desperately trying to avoid doing so.

    Sidney Powell is a Fraud and knows it, but, like Q, her supporters will deny it because they just don’t want to face it.

    Lets see how Lindell does, he’s stated he’s glad Dominion is suing him so he can get the chance to present his evidence.

    If he backs out and tries to avoid it too, or soundly fails with his counter suit, I think it’s safe to consider the election results legitimate (although the voting process itself, the one the Democrats made so many last minute changes to, could still be considered highly questionable).

  2. …nothing to discover, now. Machines have been erased, ballots have been shredded, they even blew up the building in Nashville to get the electronic records. Every judge will rule against her, and no judge will grant discovery on anything she actually needs.

    She now realizes how ruthless these people are and she’s trying to bail.

    …they’ll probably make an example out of her, though, so no dice.

    …unless she comes across with something damning about Trump, even if she has to make it up…

  3. Well, it is SOP to seek dismissal, so…yawn.

    If that gets rejected, despite valid 1st Amendment claims, is there any discovery to be had? Good question since lots of meddling with records is known, and likely unknown by now.

  4. She’s got the guy the nyslimes said was the foremost recognize expert on all this stuff a year ago saying that the machine totals don’t compute.
    I presume she is just trying to get out of it with this maneuver, but you never can tell, since trump’s team threw her under the bus, she might just be saying why should she fight for him now?

  5. When the law allows no relief from tyranny and oppression, there is only one alternative.
    The courts are pushing a violence agenda. The diabolical narcissists, or totalitarians nihilists, whatever you want to call those who are represented by the Judiciary, feel that this is their time – and so they’re pushing for a reaction that they can manipulate.
    Reichstag fire all over again.

    Notice that these manufactured events are happening more frequently?
    BLM, ANTIFA, Shooters associated with the FBI, &c.
    Looks like a lot of “spook” activity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. F*** Sidney Powell… She wants the suit dismissed on the grounds that anyone should’ve been able to see that she was lying her goddamn ass off. Her, Guiliani, and Wood were scamming millions out of disappointed Trump voters when they all knew goddamn well there wasn’t shit they could do about a rigged vote after the states were already called.


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