Kamala Harris’ apparent refusal to salute military honor guard panned as ‘disgraceful’ disrespect – IOTW Report

Kamala Harris’ apparent refusal to salute military honor guard panned as ‘disgraceful’ disrespect


In what amounts to being more about respect than required actions, Vice President Kamala Harris is getting plenty of scrutiny for not saluting the military honor guard when boarding or disembarking Air Force Two.

To be sure, there is no specific regulation that calls on the president or vice president to salute military personnel, but it has become a modern tradition for the president to salute the honor guard stationed at the steps for Marine One and Air Force One.

A tradition that was started by Ronald Reagan, as a sign of respect. more here

21 Comments on Kamala Harris’ apparent refusal to salute military honor guard panned as ‘disgraceful’ disrespect

  1. Don’t know if it would look or feel much better, rather than farcical and arrogant, if she were to salute.

    She’s never been in the military, and right now, she’s only the vice usurper and legally commander of nothing.

  2. …it’s simple, really.

    She didn’t salute the honor guard because she has no honor.

    Don’t overthink it. Maybe she’s just unintentionally being honest for once…

  3. You know who would catch hell, if he didn’t salute her. She see’s the guard as a peasant worker, thinks he should drop his eyes as she goes by, she’s special.

  4. …she lost whatever honor she may have had when married-to-someone-else man Willie Brown ejaculated…her into the world of politics.

    “She offered her honor,
    He honored her offer,
    So it was honor and offer all night.”

    …again, maybe Kamila represents an unintentionally honesty or real in-your-face aggressiveness of the modern Baal worshiper, as politicians have been whores for a very long time, so elevating a temple prostitute to the highest office in the land is simply an acknowledgement of that…

  5. Not even a coffee cup salute like Barky? I thought he’d lowered the bar all the way to the ground with that one, but she just buried it. I hope the pantsuit led mediocrity takes a tumble down the AF1 steps and breaks her coccyx.

  6. Kamala Harris’ apparent refusal to salute military honor guard panned as ‘disgraceful’ disrespect

    Why expect any thing more from this heels up whore? Military appreciates it, I don’t hear any of them squealing especially the ones who voted for Biden and her. I really don’t give a $hit about any of them. They have to do as they’re told.

  7. Not the topic here really, but is it only me who thinks she has really big feet?
    I have seen a few pics of her now and her feet seem really big (yet she has no problem putting them in her mouth on a regular basis).


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