‘Your Nation’s Enemies Are Hiding In Plain Sight’ – IOTW Report

‘Your Nation’s Enemies Are Hiding In Plain Sight’

The Truman National Security Council think tank is more like “The Truman Show.”

They push/write anti-gun policy, encourage us to war [and drone strikes], promote globalism, write the news, control your climate, your energy, they spy on you … You know, like control freaks.
Oh, and they just adore China.

Their boardmembers and fellows?
Hunter Biden, US Congressmen like Juaquin Castro (TX-D) and Chris Murphy (NJ-D), Pete Butticheeks, former 2016 candidate Martin O’Malley (D), John Podesta, and more.

Want to know more about The Truman National Security Council? You really should.
Pull the string

Bonus: Clip of Michele Bachmann roasting Clapper and Brennan.
Also: Is Ebola on its way back here? Short discussion about that at the
2hour:13 minute mark.
And stay tuned for the Afghanistan ghost story at the end.

Link for show is also HERE and HERE.

5 Comments on ‘Your Nation’s Enemies Are Hiding In Plain Sight’

  1. Not even one death is acceptable from a vaccine.

    How many deaths should we tolerate for the profits of pharma companies?

    The promoters of vaccines have blood on their hands.

    How can the promoters of vaccines be so selfish?

    Until the people that are supposed to represent us throw this kind of rhetoric back in the face of the scumbags who invented this type of rhetoric, i will have no use for the republican party. Because they are not on my side.


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