Britain: Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For TEN YEARS – IOTW Report

Britain: Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For TEN YEARS

Planet Free Will:

British former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption has warned that “social controls” brought about by the coronavirus pandemic may be kept in place by governments for up to a decade.

“It’s politically unrealistic to expect the Government to backtrack now,” commented Sumption, who has been highly critical of the government’s ‘totalitarian’ lockdown policies.

The judge compared the reaction to rationing after the Second World War, which went on for nine years, adding that this time “I think it may be even longer.”

“An interesting parallel is the continuation of wartime food rationing after the last war. People were in favour of that because they were in favour of social control,” he said during a ‘Sketch notes on’ podcast. read more

19 Comments on Britain: Supreme Court Judge Expects People Will Be Forced To Wear Masks, Stay Home For TEN YEARS

  1. May I be blunt? The world has lost it’s fuckin’ mind over The Kung Fu Flu. I blame the media for a lot of this, they fanned the flame and caused fear and panic.

    I was literally dancing when I entered places of business today when Governor Douche finally lifted the mask mandate at precisely 9:30am yesterday. The Commie mayor here said she isn’t going to lift the mandate, to her I say go f yourself. 😁

  2. Well, let us not forget, the 9TH just settled a law suite about gun rights and the right to carry considering PRE REVOLUTIONARY BRITISH LAW. Are you fucking kidding me? Further more, unfortunately I have a very good understanding of Contractual and Document driven law. The guiding sentiment is, wait for it, “The Mood And Intent At the Time Of Creation And Signing”. Dear 9th, what were the founders thinking at the time of creation? And the British are not a Republic, we are. Eat shit and die.

  3. I see lotsa people here jogging, walking, biking outside on sunny brisk days wearing masks. The people I know in the medical field here are just into it-total fear porn. They live breathe essential worker compassion.

    In contrast, I have two young nurses in my family back in Ohio who don’t want the jab-and one had worked in the COVID ward this whole time. Their lives don’t revolve around the virus and they don’t broadcast how full of compassion they are.

    What is wrong with the Pacific NW?!?

  4. I stopped wearing masks a while back and I get treated very well at checkouts.
    I think there are many working folks who are forced to wear masks and it gives them hope when a customer doesn’t.

  5. “What is wrong with the Pacific NW?!?”
    I think it’s rain rot of the brain and seething anger from all the gray, gloomy days. But I’m just guessing, based on living there from 1979-2002.

  6. Mask requirements will continue till those ordering them either die,assuming they aren’t replaced by the same kind, or accomplish the real reasons they intended to use them for or something comes along that suites their purposes better to make them no longer useful.

    So far, they seem to be doing exactly what they were intended to do and are getting near enough to fulfilling their real purpose that we may see them being phased out soon.


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