House Speaker Pelosi Urges CA Democrats Not To Run In Recall Election – IOTW Report

House Speaker Pelosi Urges CA Democrats Not To Run In Recall Election

CA Globe:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) gave a press conference Thursday in which she lent her support to Governor Gavin Newsom in his impending recall election later this year and warned other California Democrats not to run to maintain party unity.

Pelosi joined other prominent Californian Democratic lawmakers, such as Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA) and Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA), as well as national party leaders, including President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT), in opposition to Governor Newsom’s recall election. During her conference, Pelosi said that Newsom would defeat the measure decisively and suggesting that the entire recall campaign was simply started by Trump supporters to get rid of Newsom.


21 Comments on House Speaker Pelosi Urges CA Democrats Not To Run In Recall Election

  1. Leave it to Nancy to look out for her relatives like in any crime family. One of the things you do is to get rid of fleas and other pests like NANCY!! After that the nits still hiding in the corners should be exterminated…. Newsious will probobly only breed more filthy political bloodsuckers in California so the answers are clear…..

  2. A lot of Democrats signed the recall petition. I think a read that 1/3 of those who signed were Democrats. Nancy’s whistling past the graveyard if she thinks Newsome will beat this. CA Dems need an alternative to Newsome if they want a chance to hold the Governor’s office, but Pelosi is bigfooting in and trying to deny that choice, I hope the potential Democrat candidates do their typical lockstep and sit this one out for her.

  3. Thirdtwin MARCH 27, 2021 AT 10:16 AM

    “Nancy’s whistling past the graveyard if she thinks Newsome will beat this.”

    …she already talked to the vote tabulator people and they assured her he will, so the only ones whistling past the graveyard are the folks who still think their votes are actually counted as cast…

  4. Better get behind one good republican candidate. If there is a jungle election with Newsom as the only dem and he wins he is going to unleash his wrath and take CA to a new level of hell.

  5. Pelosi:

    …[suggested] that the entire recall campaign was simply started by Trump supporters to get rid of Newsom.Maybe it was, but that’s because Trump supporters are the sane ones, and Newsom is a tyrannical madman.

  6. Shows you that Pelosi doesn’t care a krapa about what voters want. She’s only looking out for political power. It’s just what is wrong with Washington. We the people don’t mean BS to people like Pelosi, It is a common problem for narrow minded people who can look through a keyhole with both eyes at the same time.

  7. “suggesting that the entire recall campaign was simply started by Trump supporters to get rid of Newsom.”

    No shit, captain obvious? Is that REALLY what the recall is about?

    Arrogant cunt.

  8. The strategy is to split the Republican vote and only have one Democrat (Newsome) on the ballot so he wins. Many people in CA would never vote for the republican even if they hate Newsome, so Newsome will win.

  9. The Habsburgs plunged Europe into the Thirty-Years War to maintain their thrones – make no mistake – the nihilistic totalitarians (progressives, communists, socialists, nazis, Demonrats … whatever we’re calling them this week) of 21st Century America have no qualms about letting slip the dogs of War to maintain their corruptions, powers, perks, and positions.

    They’ve already jettisoned the Constitution, stolen an election, and placed usurping puppets in the White House and Executive Office Bldg.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. It’s not openly discussed among polite society for obvious reasons, but you all know what’s going to have to be done to get our country back. They brought it upon themselves.

  11. No Piglosi, wrong again. Newscum will be recalled because he has ruined CA Republicans and Demorats want the state to thrive, not die. Hitler Hair Gel has made it a priority to close businesses, ramp up homeless numbers, not kept citizens safe from immigration, and misused funds at every level. I am hosting a party the day he is removed.

  12. I live here. Aunt Nancy’s suggestion is ill advised if your a deep state libtard MoFo. The street hates Gavin. He’s gone. No alternate Libtard is a blessing. Nancy’s a possessed evil bitch. She will burn very hot.


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