Wisconsin’s Election investigation begins – IOTW Report

Wisconsin’s Election investigation begins

Empower Wisconsin:

MADISON — Pushing back on hyperbolic claims of “conspiracy theories” from Democrats, the chair of the Assembly Campaign and Elections Committee pledges the panel will get answers to integrity questions surrounding last year’s elections.

“We’re going to pursue it and we’re going to get to the bottom of it,” state Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) said Tuesday during debate over a resolution that directs the committee to “investigate the administration of elections in Wisconsin.”

The committee in particular will focus on “elections conducted after January 1, 2019.” There will be an emphasis on the myriad concerns that arose in November’s presidential election, as evidenced by the alarming level of involvement by liberal third party groups in Green Bay and elsewhere.

The resolution comes with the power to subpoena witnesses and documents, a tool not used in the Legislature in decades, according to legislative sources. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) could issue subpoenas on behalf of the committee if witnesses refuse to testify. That may be the case in Green Bay, where Mayor Eric Genrich did not answer Brandtjen’s request to appear at an Elections Committee hearing next week, and the city attorney said she has a “scheduling conflict.”

‘Fanning the flames’

Assembly Democrats railed against the resolution, calling the investigation an attack on democracy fueled by unfounded claims of election fraud. More so, they insist questioning the election results is more than sour grapes from Republicans, it’s rife with racism. State Rep. Mark Spreitzer (D-Beloit) charged investigating the elections is just “fanning the flames of conspiracy theories,” perpetuating what Democrats have labeled “The Big Lie” of former President Donald Trump’s challenge of the election results.

Republicans shot back that it’s not undemocratic or racist to seek answers to worrisome questions. And, as Empower Wisconsin has reported, there are plenty of worrisome questions. read more

10 Comments on Wisconsin’s Election investigation begins

  1. Yeah, it’s over but there’s always an election coming up. If you want to get reelected, you pretend to deeply care about [insert what’s on voters minds]. Investigations are great for this. They can take as long as is needed.

  2. This should put an end to the conspiracy theories, proving them either true or false.

    But what will those disbelieving them do if they are proven true, and what will those believing them do if they are proven false?

    It will be interesting to watch, but it won’t change anything about the last election.

  3. Jackass Joe gets it wrong… AGAIN!
    Republicans don’t want to make it hard to vote.
    Republicans want to make it hard to CHEAT!
    The problem is they’re always a dollar short and six months too late!!

  4. “We’re going to pursue it and we’re going to get to the bottom of it,” state Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) said Tuesday

    Just check your engine block for thermite before you get into your car…

  5. More of this shit, huh? Do they think people believe them? If they didn’t care during the election, why should I believe that they care after the election when there’s nothing they can do about it? Unless, of course, the goal is to spend taxpayer money holding hearings, thus giving off the appearance that they’re actually doing something rather than just sucking blood.

  6. Here we go with the negative crap again.

    OK, Eeyores. You win. Suicide for everyone! There’s no point in trying anything at anytime! Get ready to permanently be bent over and reamed on a daily basis. That’s where all this going if nothing changes.

    If you have a workable idea of how to save the country from this take down, please elucidate the plan, because everything everyone else tries is crap to you.

  7. Thank you, Dadof4. Some of our readers here seem to have given up. Really give up. Do you think that your negativity makes you sound so much smarter than those of us who are trying to maintain some faith in something larger than ourselves?

    Does it make you feel better to throw in the towel? What do you think happened during the American Revolution? Did George Washington say forget it; why bother?

    These people who are doing something to try righting a wrong should be commended. Maybe nothing will come of it, but does that mean they shouldn’t try?

    I don’t know what is going to happen. Who does? But nothing WILL happen if they don’t try.

    Go ahead, laugh at us foolish simpletons trying to believe that something can be done. I’ve been laughed at before, but not by people I thought were my friends and believed in having faith.

    I will always believe we should try to fight for what we are, who we are. Yes, I get discouraged. But that is not how we win. Prayer, faith and encouragement. At least someone is trying.

  8. it is all about recognizing authority. the contract between our government and its citizens is broken for many Americans. either you believe the current government is a valid authority or you don’t. the contract: government provides protection, citizens pledge allegiance. citizens are taken hostage on a daily basis, see antifa and blm in portland, seattle, chicago. . . . the list goes on and on. not to mention the invasion from the south. know where you are in history. this has happened before and it will happen again. time to put in that back door, the windows are locked and there is anarchy out front. save the civility for the ones who reciprocate freedom. do you think millions of jews could have voted to save themselves in nazi germany?


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