The Diaper – IOTW Report

The Diaper

16 Comments on The Diaper

  1. I suspect that “Jane (Karen Club Member)”, doesn’t believe in computer forensic science. There is more than enough proof that the election was rigged and most of the cognitive world population is aware of the truth. Old Slow Joe will be remembered as the Illegitimate fascist, racist, pedophile plagiarist with dementia involved in the biggest election scam in American history. Fortunately for himself, with his addle minded condition he will never be fully aware of the situation. We can expect him to continue stumbling and bumbling along as he slowly sinks the nation further behind, chipping away at our constitutional rights like termites on a homes foundation. The Democrat motto of “Never let a crisis go to waste” will become their mantra while Joe is hiding behind barbed wire and national guardsmen in the White House basement.

  2. @Jane
    In our world, YOU aren’t forced to visit this site.
    What is pathetic is your attempt at trolling.
    You’re not very good at that.

  3. Jane you ignorant liberal slut, go back to what you’re good at, lying on your back with yer legs open, because you add nothing to an adult conversation besides childish insults.


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