Researchers baffled by mysterious melting of Earth’s crust beneath western North America – IOTW Report

Researchers baffled by mysterious melting of Earth’s crust beneath western North America

(Natural News) The melting of Earth’s crust beneath a vast expanse of western North America is baffling researchers due to its unusual location inland.

Crustal melting, which plays an important role in the formation of igneous rocks, typically occurs near plate boundaries. But a 2,000-mile belt of igneous rocks that sits far from the edge of the North American Plate is throwing the researchers for a loop.

Known as the North American Cordilleran Anatectic Belt, the long strip of rock stretches from British Columbia in Canada to Sonora in Mexico. It runs through Idaho, Montana, Nevada, southeast California and Arizona. MORE

h/t Joe6Pak

27 Comments on Researchers baffled by mysterious melting of Earth’s crust beneath western North America

  1. 1) Must be global warming from Carbon dioxide. Especially due to humans since it is entirely Geological. Rocks don’t like carbon dioxide.

    2) “Researchers Baffled” 2021 and Experts have no Idea. Yet they are 100% correct on Global warming, gender, lately corona virus.

  2. It’s cow farts. Trump sat by while this catastrophe happened literally under his nose. ‘Tator Joe steps in again, just in time. Solution: Raise taxes!

  3. Maybe it’s just a slow version of the meteor that ends the world, except it will be from inside the planet.

    Kinda like the demise of America will be from within instead of outside forces.

  4. ““What makes this so interesting and mysterious is that this belt of igneous rocks is located much farther inland, away from the edge of the continent, and doesn’t contain any evidence for producing volcanoes,” he said. ”

    Doesn’t contain any evidence. Not yet.
    Trust the science; it’s always right.
    A recent study, in fact, suggests 74%% of studies are invalid.

  5. Researchers know how to play the game. The science is settled by the highest bidder. It’s either going to be climate change or racism. Maybe both.

  6. Have the great scientific minds on the left blamed it on the anger of Mother Gaia against cis-gendered white men poisoning the oceans, or something?

  7. Nevada has been extremely active since May 2020. Since California won’t break off and fall into the ocean (as I was told growing up…and am still waiting), Nevada has decided to force the issue.

  8. What difference does it make, I believe, according to AOC we only have about 10 years left anyway????

    And, I’m sure she has inside info that we’re not privy to.

  9. Well shit, how big of a tax increase is it going to take to fix this? The people that think we can actually control the climate of a damned planet undoubtedly think that we should be able to correct this.

  10. Considering that there have been earthquakes in the center of the country wouldn’t that indicate some plates there, or are they just coming up with new ways to frighten the uneducated?

  11. You guys are making this sound funny – BUT IT AIN’T!
    The only way to appease Mother Gaia is to throw Sandy O’Cortez into a volcano!
    Along with Slow Joe, Geo. Soros, and Bill Gates!

    I took off my tinfoil hat for a few moments and that message came through loud and clear.

    It must be done at once! The fate of the Entire World depends on it!

    izlamo delenda est …


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