52 Charts Show What Effect State Mask Mandates Have on COVID Cases – IOTW Report

52 Charts Show What Effect State Mask Mandates Have on COVID Cases

Becker News-

There is hardly a more divisive issue in the country than mask mandates. Interestingly, the nation is split in half on the issue: half the states currently have mask mandates; the other half doesn’t.

This article isn’t going to argue whether or not mask mandates work. It is a statistical overview that is going to do something that experts and most of the mainstream media refuse to do: Assume you can look at the data and come to your own conclusions.

It is important to note that this study is not about mask compliance. It is about mask mandates. The following chart of mask compliance in the United States in 2020 comes via the New York Times. It bears out that mask mandates and compliance are two different concepts. read more

7 Comments on 52 Charts Show What Effect State Mask Mandates Have on COVID Cases

  1. The death rate from Maine is not accurate.
    Mills & Shah Na Na won’t say how many deaths were caused by China virus. They will only talk about deaths with….
    When someone dies of anything General Mills dictated testing on the deceased. If they say had a heart attack and tested positive for China Virus they report as a death with so the can keep the numbers up and get more federal $$$.
    That fed $ and love of power are why the Dirty Dems allow the dictatorahip.


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