Iran Teases Attack on US Capitol Building as Biden Admin Prepares To Lift Sanctions – IOTW Report

Iran Teases Attack on US Capitol Building as Biden Admin Prepares To Lift Sanctions


Iran released a provocative new video over the weekend that depicts its military forces blowing up the United States Capitol building, a threat that comes as the Biden administration inches closer to providing Tehran with billions of dollars in economic sanctions relief.

The video debuted Sunday on Iranian state-controlled television before Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei delivered remarks, in which he praised the country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the paramilitary force that has killed Americans, and celebrated IRGC leader Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in a drone strike by the former Trump administration.

In the video clip, armed IRGC forces are seen marching before the U.S. Capitol’s famous dome explodes. It also shows Iranian forces marching on Jerusalem.

The video and Khamenei’s remarks come as the Biden administration engages in diplomacy with Iran aimed at inking a revamped nuclear deal. The administration is reportedly prepared to lift crippling sanctions on Iran’s banks, diplomats, and oil trade, signaling that Washington is desperate to entice Iran into accepting a deal that would only partially unwind its growing nuclear program. read more

19 Comments on Iran Teases Attack on US Capitol Building as Biden Admin Prepares To Lift Sanctions

  1. More and more it appears China is calling the shots for the biden administration.
    Lifting sanctions on Iran after they’ve killed untold numbers of our Military.
    Is Venezuela next?
    How many more enemies, dictators, drug cartels and socialists will biden support?

  2. Puppet Biden only does what he’s told. Americans have no idea who or if anyone is actually in charge in Washington. It sure looks like who ever it is is drunk and hates America.

  3. And this after they were swarming our Coast Guard ships in the Persian Gulf. Which leads me to ask.. exactly WTF is our Coast Guard doing over there anyway? That’s Navy work. Get the CG back here catching drug smugglers and human traffickers.

  4. Headline!

    Iran attacked the United States today!
    300,000 donkeys drowned trying to cross the Atlantic!
    450,000 camp-following Sheep died by drowning, as well.
    The attacking force left a greasy oil slick of some 4000 sq. miles which is drifting towards France.

    The Mullahs are inconsolable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I offered em $30 Trillion and Kamel-Ho but they turned me down – said they’d take the money but Kamel-Ho made em wanna puke – declared that they’d rather put their pricks in rams’ assholes than in that diseased petri dish of her’s.

    I think I’ll try surrender next.

  6. …why would they do that? There’s more going on in the Capitol to destroy this nation more completely than a whole ROW of Iranian nukes ever could…

  7. …BTW, this is probably a troll by TPTB to try to get folks to say stuff about what THEY would do, so the Democrat spy agencies can use it to jail YOU, too.

    …don’t fall for it. Big Democrat is watching…

  8. The following is a metaphor for Biden in his dealings with Iran.

    Biden, stumbling alone around Washington late one night, sees a gang of bad guys approach, brandishing knives.

    Biden: Oh oh, shit!

    Bad Guy Leader: Man whatchoo doin’ walkin’ around here this time a’ night, bitch?

    Biden: Hi fellas…just trying to get some fresh air. Is that OK? I’m not here to hurt you or your friends.

    Bad Guys: All break out laughing.

    Bad Guy Leader: Ah….tell ya what…give us some money and we’ll let you pass, man.

    Biden: Sure fellas (shaking in fear). Here, take this twenty, it’s all that’s in my wallet.

    Bad Guy Leader: Wow, what stinks? Did you just shit in yo’ pants?

    Biden: Uh, no I didn’t, I don’t think I did.

    Gang Member checking out Biden’s rear: Yeah, he did – smelly old bitch. There’s a big brown stain on his ass.

    Bad Guy Leader: Man, you are one fucked up dude…give me your wallet, bitch.

    Biden: Don’t you know who I am, I’m the Presid….

    After 5 more minutes, the gang has surrounded Biden, have taken his wallet with $500 in it, his ring, his watch, have beaten him to death, and have cut off his head with a machete.


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