Fauci Laughs After Host Says 2-Year Olds Are Being Masked Up At Summer Camps – IOTW Report

Fauci Laughs After Host Says 2-Year Olds Are Being Masked Up At Summer Camps

Trending Politics-

One of the reasons — in fact, it’s probably the main reason — why Americans have zero faith in most of our institutions these days is because we’ve been lied to so often by the careerists, bureaucrats, and deep state oligarchs who ‘run things.’

That is especially true when it comes to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top immunologist and now chief medical adviser to the Biden regime.

Last spring, as COVID-19 began to spread from the Chinese lab whence it came (according to reports) around the world and to the U.S., “The Fouch” was asked specifically by a medical colleague and correspondent for CBS’s “60 Minutes” whether Americans should be walking around wearing masks.

Fauci essentially said that no, not at that time did it make sense to wear masks — but it was the reasons he gave in justifying his answer: “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.” MORE

14 Comments on Fauci Laughs After Host Says 2-Year Olds Are Being Masked Up At Summer Camps

  1. Toenex — Haha! Yeah, that was my first question, too!

    What in the world would give a parent enough trust and reassurance to turn their baby over to the staff of a summer camp? They must have rocks in their heads. That should be the real story.

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