Classified State Dept. Docs Could Connect Coronavirus to Chinese Lab, House Republicans Say – IOTW Report

Classified State Dept. Docs Could Connect Coronavirus to Chinese Lab, House Republicans Say

WFB: Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee are calling on Secretary of State Antony Blinken to declassify official documents that could show whether the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R., Wash.), the top Republican on the committee, submitted a letter with two other GOP committee members to Blinken on Thursday. The lawmakers seek records about a State Department assessment that the Chinese military worked on “secret projects” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a lab located near where the first cases of coronavirus emerged in late 2019.

The debate over the origins of the coronavirus has proved a hot-button geopolitical issue. Chinese authorities insist that the virus spread to humans naturally from an animal species, a claim the World Health Organization endorsed in March. But a growing number of scientists, journalists, and government officials have questioned China’s claim, citing a lack of transparency from Chinese officials regarding the origins of the virus. more

12 Comments on Classified State Dept. Docs Could Connect Coronavirus to Chinese Lab, House Republicans Say

  1. No question. Our state department, the Democrats, the US Chamber of Commerce, the Globalist RINOS, and the Chinese released the virus, killing a bazillion people, all for the sake of derailing the Trump economy. The timing was to perfect. You’re not pulling my tin foil hat off.. No matter what. Just ask Liz Cheney

  2. Haven’t we known this for 1.5 years? The chi comms owe the world in ways that can’t be measured, and the Republicans having a debate about this? WTF?!?

  3. This Wednesday (5/5) Nicholas Wade published a very good article about the origin of the Wuhan virus: what we know, what we don’t know, what knowledgeable have said about the question. Even though there’s no public proof, there is every reason short of that to conclude that the virus did come from the WIV, and that it was the product of poorly conducted gain of function work conducted in a lab with safeguards equivalent to your every day dentist’s office.

    He looks at the science and evidence. Unfortunately he doesn’t look at the geopolitical question of whether the virus was released deliberately or not, but he does look at the deceit of the CCP and its fellow travelers, as well as their delays and stonewalling.

  4. Trump batting a thousand.

    Seriously, he definitely is not perfect, but go ahead and make a list of the times he was Right vs Wrong.

  5. It came from The WIV, funded in part by Idiot Fauci, openly at first, and clandestinely, after Trump shut it down.
    It’s not out of the realm of possibility.

  6. So, if it can be shwon this was from a Chinese accident at the Wuhan lab, what can be done about it now?

    Maybe write them a stern letter or something saying “Don’t do it again, please”?

  7. In Oh-Stink, Tex-Ass, my wife got a negative result Wednesday evening on one of those Rona-19 quick tests. First we went to the Austin Regional Clinic on Far West at MoPac, where they sent us away because she had symptoms. Then we went to one of those PODS-like parking lot 15 minute test places, but it was closed. A sign on the POD warned people to stay away if they had symptoms. Then Walgreens sent us away because my wife felt ill. Finally, we went to a St. Davids, “Urgent Care Now,” satellite emergency room where my wife, (after being “buzzed” in the front door,) told the greeter that she needed a quick test to get on a plane to Houston. About forty-five minutes later, we left with a fifteen minute quick test negative result. This is the front door outside of which I had to wait because they would not “buzz” me in:,-97.7357542,3a,30y,283.4h,79.01t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sJNiB5JwHMT52q0dFbVOxIA!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192.

  8. True that, Uncle Al. I stood outside and watched the world whirl by, whilst contemplating the concept of medical testing facilities turning away business because said business had the flu.


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