Birthing People don’t let your babies grow up to be Cowpersons – IOTW Report

Birthing People don’t let your babies grow up to be Cowpersons

Patriot Retort-

If you want an example of First World Problems, look no further than this push to strip women of motherhood. Despite the fact that only women can have babies, now members of Congress are referring to women who give birth as birthing people.

It’s more inclusive, don’t you know.

20 Comments on Birthing People don’t let your babies grow up to be Cowpersons

  1. Well, this certainly is the time to resurrect the term shitpickle in honor of harris and birthing people (to be inclusive? men don’t give birth).
    Clown world just getting weirder, we have elected idiots.

  2. So Sunday which is Mothers Day will now be known as Birthing Persons Day. Gimme a friggin break. I am so glad this week this is over, we delivered a hell of a lot of flowers this week. It’s been pretty much non stop balls to the walls, petal to the metal deliveries since last Sunday morning. But I did get to see some new country last Sunday having driven down to Riggins, Idaho (population 410) down in the Salmon River canyon area, I’d never been down there before, talk about your wild, remote, beautiful part of the country with some of the best whitewater rafting in the world on the Salmon and Snake Rivers down in the Hell’s Canyon area.

  3. And they were having a rodeo in Riggins last weekend so there were a lot of cowboys (cowpokes) down there. No cow persons though and if they were they wouldn’t admit to being a cow person. I hate how the left bastardizes the language.

  4. Inspired by Brad…

    I took a Hillary, wiped my Biden with a new roll of Pelosi, flushed the Obama, washed my hands in the Kerry and dried them on a dirty Romney. I then did my laundry in the McCain using Bush Pods and everything came out Schumer’ed. I then tried at least bleaching the whites with DOJ ‘Stain-Be-Gone’ bleach but they all came out stinking to high heavens, so I gave up and went out for a Bill Clinton burger.

  5. It is now 5:25 AM early Saturday morning and I’m up early as usual reading the Babylon Bee. They have a threefer of funny headlines this morning beginning with, Forget yo momma jokes-here are 7 hilarious yo birthing person jokes, Liberals replace offensive term woman with child factory who bleeds and 10 last-minute Mothers Day gifts for your wife since we know you forgot.

  6. I’ve got a superlib cousin who lives in Sag Harbor, NY. The trannies trying to displace women in both language and the culture is the straw that broke the camel’s back for both her and many of her liberal friends.

    They don’t look at this as some blessed process of achieving equality. The see it as a bunch of fucking degenerate men trying to steal the entire concept of Womanhood from actual Women. They’re really pissed off about it to. The lesbians aren’t too thrilled about having their sacred enclaves invaded by some shithead man in a dress either.

  7. Life of Brian: formerly a comedy – NOW… a blueprint. 🙄

    Francis: Why are you always on about women, Stan?

    Stan: I want to be one.

    Reg: What?

    Stan: I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me ‘Loretta’.

    Reg: What?

    Stan: It’s my right as a man.

    Judith: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?

    Stan: I want to have babies.

    Reg: You want to have babies?

    Stan: It’s every man’s right to have babies if he wants them.

    Reg: But… you can’t have babies!

    Stan: Don’t you oppress me!

    Reg: I’m not oppressing you, Stan! You haven’t got a womb! Where’s the foetus going to gestate? You going to keep it in a box?

    Stan: [starts to cry]

    Judith: [on Stan’s desire to be a mother] Here! I’ve got an idea: Suppose you agree that he can’t actually have babies, not having a womb – which is nobody’s fault, not even the Romans’ – but that he can have the *right* to have babies.

    Francis: Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother… sister, sorry.

    Reg: What’s the *point*?

    Francis: What?

    Reg: What’s the point of fighting for his right to have babies, when he can’t have babies?

    Francis: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression.

    Reg: It’s symbolic of his struggle against reality…

  8. I absolutely steadfastly without question will never again go to Calgary for Stampede. I absolutely steadfastly and without question will never watch WCRA rodeo that is put on by PBR.

    I am fed the hell up with such nonsense being passed off as rodeo. The lowdown, dirty rotten, good for nothing, worthless pieces of shit trying to pass off some bastardized version of calf roping in which there is no six second rule is enough to piss off a Saint. They don’t have steer tripping even during slack and I, for one, have had a bellyful of these Nancy boys offering a reach around to every candy ass do gooder that shows up with a bitch.

    W/o the six second rule they may as well just run breakaway roping and if that doesn’t do it for them they can put a few manpons in their saddle bags and paint their Goddamned toenails while they are at it.

  9. Crackerbaby, was it a boy or a future birthing person? I can’t believe I needed to say that, political correctness sucks. It has always been either a boy or a girl up until the wokesters have tried to destroy traditional values and culture by any means necessary.

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