50 Ways To Cook Your Bacon – IOTW Report

50 Ways To Cook Your Bacon

Yes, bacon is good. There’s no arguing with that. But if you think that the only way to cook bacon is to just throw it in a frying pan and get sizzlin’, well then does Amiel Stanek have a thing or two to show you. For instance, did you know that cooking bacon on a car engine is a thing you can do? Watch as Amiel cook bacon in (almost) every conceivable way.

20 Comments on 50 Ways To Cook Your Bacon

  1. I had a brother-in-law who “cooked” it 30 seconds on a side. Any more than that and “you’re ruining it!” He’s dead now. (No correlation, I don’t think.)

    Many people cook their bacon way too hot. High heat causes chemical reactions with the fat molecules and changes its flavor. Also, ‘low and slow’ is better for you because fewer bizarre, potentially cancer-causing compounds are created at the lower temperature.

  2. In the UK & Europe they rarely cook it crispy.
    It’s served like a rubber chicken.
    I was staying at a hotel in Gdansk Poland and I was able to convince a server to have the cook make it crispy for me.
    Soon enough, EVERYONE in the place wanted it crispy!

  3. My favorite way is to cook it in a foil-lined (easy clean-up) sheet pan in a 350 degree oven. About 15 minutes, turning it mid-way through. Always evenly crisp and it never curls; plus I don’t have to stand over a hot stove and dodge the hot grease spatters.

  4. Everyone but AbigailAdam and myself are hellbound….HELLBOUND.

    How can you all not know how to cook BAKE-ON? The instructions are in the name. You bake it low and slow.

    Any other way invariably results in some sort of hellish looking strip of burnt gremlin. Your bacon is supposed to look more like the appealing mogwai creature, Gizmo. Featured in the 1984 Phoebe Cates Christmas movie, Gremlins.

    Honestly, sometimes I feel like the last Roman in post Empire Briton.

  5. Florida Lobster has no taste…People say “You’re cooking it wrong, you need to

    wrap it in bacon and dip it in Butter”

    A 9V Battery would taste good wrapped in bacon and dipped in Butter.

    I’m definitely going to Hell…I eat Pre-cooked Bacon right out of the Box!!!

  6. The commercial bacon comes frozen between layers of parchment paper.
    They throw the whole layer on a flat top and cook it low and slow,right on top of yhe paper.
    Best bacon evah.

  7. Saw boiled bacon once. Army field kitchen. Looked like a bunch of used condoms floating in the water. Cussed out the cook, almost got an article 15. Think I dodged the ucmj because the crime of boiling bacon was worse than me cussing them out for ruining it.

  8. Heavily black peppered, then baked, on a rack, at 275-300. No splatter, stays flat, and never have to turn. I usually double up on the thickness, as well.


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