New Zealand man paints penises on Auckland roads to highlight potholes – IOTW Report

New Zealand man paints penises on Auckland roads to highlight potholes


A man who has been drawing penises on roads to highlight potholes for three years is facing legal action.

New Zealander Geoff Upson received a call from police last week over his graphic graffiti in Auckland, the New Zealand Herald reported.

The road safety campaigner first started drawing penises after growing frustrated at the amount of time it was taking to fix potholes near his home in Waitoki in 2018.

He said he’d complained to Auckland Transport over the state of a road 20 times and had continuously being ignored.

Geoff estimates he’s done ‘well over’ 100 drawings since. Most of the time he sprays a circle around the offending hole and reserves his signature bright green penis pictures for the worst examples. more

15 Comments on New Zealand man paints penises on Auckland roads to highlight potholes

  1. Weeeeellll…..if the damned road authority would hurry up and fix the roads and fill the potholes, then he wouldn’t be drawing dicks in the road, would he?

  2. Couple years ago: Toronto, a street called Munhall

    There was a large pothole in the middle of the road.
    People phoned many times. Nothing happened.
    People continued phoning. The City placed an orange pylon down.
    Hole & pylon remained.
    Six months latter it was getting cold and the Pylon stood alone.
    My Son outgrew his clothes so someone went out on a night mission & put a sweater on Lonnie (we named the pylon)
    The city came by & removed the sweater.
    The pothole remained. Cold and alone.
    As X-mas drew near I gave him a Santa hat and a green reindeer sweater. He generally seemed thankful.
    A few days latter someone else gave him a scarf. (the community came together) Lonnie was in better spirits.
    BUT just before Christmas…
    The city came by & removed all of poor Lonnie’s clothes again leaving him cold and exposed. Still no time to fix the hole.
    The neighbors noticed. “Who took the clothes off the pylon?”

    Christmas nite came & Lonnie got a hand me down Boston Bruins #4 Jersey and kids hockey stick. (Leaf Fans Hate Boston look it up)
    Lonnie was good for a few more months.
    Sometime around March 2016 Lonnie disappeared. We worried.
    Did he leave voluntarily? Was he safe? Did we do something?

    A few days latter The pothole was gone, just like Lonnie.

    We never saw Lonnie again, but we, the community understood…

    A Christmas Miracle!

    Godspeed Lonnie, wherever you are!
    We know you are playing in Hockey heaven with Gordie Howe, Johnny Bauer, and Rocket Richard!

    100% True story.

  3. They went after him instead of spending that money to fill potholes.

    A while back, some small town dude went out and filled potholes with cement or whatever, and after about a month or 2 the city figured it out and fined him for ‘ruining’ the roads. “Now we have to dig out the material and fix it correctly”, some cunt said. They never fined him or arrested him. They couldn’t, because the optics were so bad. lol

  4. People in South Carolina need to do this until that odious gas tax is repealed. They promised the roads would all be like new if only they could take our money, and they passed the gas tax against people’s wishes. It’s been years and not a road repair is done outside of Florence where Hugh Leatherman is from. He’s such a corrupt politician. But who am I kidding, we’d be in jail, too, if we spray painted pictures of the politicians around potholes.


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