Tucker Carlson: A dramatic reading of “Hidden Sins,” a romance novel by Stacey “Steamy Selena” Abrams – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: A dramatic reading of “Hidden Sins,” a romance novel by Stacey “Steamy Selena” Abrams

Heat. Like an inferno. Temptation. Like a song...

34 Comments on Tucker Carlson: A dramatic reading of “Hidden Sins,” a romance novel by Stacey “Steamy Selena” Abrams

  1. “…my heart fluttered as he approached, his platter glistening with duck fat, and the more than ample serving of roasted pork simply whetted my appetite for more.”

  2. …I think she has an entry in the Physicians Under Desk Reference for being an effective Viagra antagonist to get rid of those pesky 4 hour erections…

    Erectile Tissue perfusion agonist-antagonist (Abrams family) combined with Democrat politics (a male antagonist); photos of Stacey are included as a self-abuse deterrent
    Used for hazardous erectile treatment in patients dependent on Viagra or other short-acting Erectile Dysfunction aids who are in suffering from priaprsm; also used for maintenance treatment of overly horny husbands.
    Prescribers must comply with the requirements of the Erection Rejection Act (ERA) and discontinue exposure to Abrams IMMEDIATELY upon shrinkage.

    Adverse Reactions:
    Providers must be prepared for airway management as it may induce severe vomiting or gasping from uncontrollable laughter.

    Routine use of Abrams as an Erectile Antagonist may result in sterility, homosexuality, or both. Indicated for short-term emergency use only.

    Do not use Stacey or any of the Abrams family within 2 days of attempting to impregnate or have normal sex. Stacey should not be used anywhere there is a functioning democracy. Stacey should be avoided by the easily amused or the faint of heart as laughter or psychogenic shock may cause cardiac arrhythmias”

  3. There are no hidden sins lady… Almighty God sees every one and every one you will be held accountable for when he checks you out of this place… And in that regard, we’re all equal’s, like it or not, believe it or not. it doesn’t matter in the least to Him…

  4. This confirms my conclusion that Governor* Stacy “Wicked Fingers” Abrams has experienced some personal contact with Joey Obiden Bama. This bodice ripper sounds an awful lot like the encounter Tara Reade had with Senator Fingers in the privacy of the hallowed halls of the U S Crapital.

  5. Jethro
    MAY 8, 2021 AT 9:30 AM
    “A while ago BFH had a Tank Abrams novel title contest where there was an image of her on top of some muscular white dude. I entered with “Hey lady, I can’t breathe…”.”

    …well, that’s good, but I went to that link, and I must say I was both appaled and intrigued by the literary talents of Lowell, which are certainly worthy to be repeated here…

    NOVEMBER 3, 2018 AT 6:30 PM
    “The torn and discarded Southeastern Mills Bleached White Flour bag flew to a shadowed corner, the dim bedside lamp further obscured by the floating clouds of the sweet milled wheat, he gasped out, shaking with the fever of desire, “The wet spot! I knew it had to be here somewhere!”.”

    …it’s like a car wreck, the conceptualized visual is APPALLING, and yet you HAVE to keep watching to see if everyone makes it out OK…well, that was 3 years ago, Lowell, how does this end?

  6. “There are no hidden sins lady… Almighty God sees every one and every one you will be held accountable for when he checks you out of this place… ”


  7. “As he approached the object of his mad desire that was held by ever-weakening threads of self-restraint between her ample thighs, Stacey coyly hiked her skirt so he could glimpse that which he most lusted for, then let it fall again, brushing the floor as it cut off the view with a slight sway like it was caressing the very crab lice it had disturbed to make up for their abrupt dethronement.

    ‘You see that, sugar, between my thighs?’

    ‘No one can see ANYTHING between YOUR thighs, Honey, but I MUST have what I KNOW is there! I MUST posess that PRIZE!’ he said, half-warily, half-lustily, as he was barely able to restrain himself, yet knew what a feral piece she could be from past unsatifying encounters.

    ‘Will you serve me? Will you pledge yourself to me? Will you make MY desires YOUR desires?’, she coaxed, whistling the last through the gap in her teeth as she opened her legs a bit more, as signified by the moist sounds of the sweaty thigh fat reluctantly pulling away from that on its compainion thigh like lovers relucatnt to part.

    ‘YES! I MUST have that, you know, the THING! The BOX! The BOX under your dress! I have DREAMED of this moment day and night and I will NOT give it up NOW, so very NEAR! I will do ANYTHING you desire, ANYTHING!!!”

    Seeing that he was primed to satisy her deepest needs, she sighed a little at the sweet surrender as she lifted her skirt fully and opened her legs to their widest so he could reach the ballot box under her bench.

    He dove in, withered lips smacking in anticipation as he seized it with both hands and started madly kissing it from top to bottom. “O SWEET, SWEET GEORGIA, YOU ARE MINE!’ he cried as his Chinnese handlers led him away, bearing the box containing the precious unsequenced ballots bearing his name that he could now use to slake that lust for power.

    She smiled smugly as he disappeared into that dark November night.

    She’d made a slave of him. He’d be back at her call, as she was the ONLY one who could meet his need now, the need to know just what the hell that disease was that he so shamelessly licked off the box she’d been slucing her fluids on for so long during her long sit as he whedled and importuned with her…


    As I sensuously careened towards her romantically wide and gaping space between her sparkling and yawning upper front teeth, I cautiously maneuvered my 1969 Volkswagen, glistening with a new chrome job, into that gaping, and cavernous dark space of gastronomical eternity, until…wait! – Suddenly! – the vehicle spun out of control only to veer listlessly and helplessly into her pulsating left nostril, only to get pinned in between several massive sponge boulders of shivering ecstasy.

  9. Wild Bill, I have never seen Plan 9 From Outer Space and never will. I saw that it was on TCM last night, I watched Diners, Drive ins and Dives instead. Plan 9 is so bad even MST 3000 can’t parody it. How’d you get suckered into watching it?


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