California: Bill to Require Improved Reporting of Child Marriages Passes Unanimously by Assembly Committee – IOTW Report

California: Bill to Require Improved Reporting of Child Marriages Passes Unanimously by Assembly Committee

California Globe

“This is definitely more of a problem than people think. From what I’ve seen, many under-18 weddings have excited parents, but less than enthused kids. But we should also know how many the court rejects too, because we need to see if they are doing their job in weeding out marriages where one or both of the kids about to marry doesn’t want to and is only doing it because of the parents. Most I’ve covered did have an accidental pregnancy causing an early marriage, but some seem almost like the kids are doing it because they have to.” MORE HERE

10 Comments on California: Bill to Require Improved Reporting of Child Marriages Passes Unanimously by Assembly Committee

  1. Another sign that CA is Third World now. Unrestrained immigration—legal and illegal—combined with no acculturation to traditional American values, is a recipe for disaster.

  2. …the only “repoting requirements” a guy who marries a child SHOULD have is the requirement that there be the IMMEDIATE report of the bullet leaving the gun with which he is shot in the crotch, closely followed by three more reports, one to the chest and two to the head to be sure, with additional reports if he has freinds and family nearby who supported this…

  3. Tony R MAY 8, 2021 AT 10:28 AM
    “Well, I guess this means the “progressives” are no longer denying child marriages take place. I guess that’s “progress”. Sort of.”

    …it’s just them normalizing it by bringing some part of it in a sterilized fashion into the open and acting like they’re going to DO something about it when all they’re REALLY going to do is say it over and over again without attaching it to the child molesting it REALLY is until it loses its power and no one is shocked to hear it any more…


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