Alaska House Bill 203 : Lock guns up at home, or else – IOTW Report

Alaska House Bill 203 : Lock guns up at home, or else

Must Read Alaska:

You can leave keys in the snow machine. You can leave your keys in the truck. But with a proposed bill by two Fairbanks lawmakers, it would be a crime to leave a gun unlocked in your home if something terrible happened with that gun. House Bill 203 has been offered by Rep. Adam Wool and Rep. Steve Thompson, and once again, puts the personal safety of Alaskans in the crosshairs.

HB 203 is intended to prevent firearm accidents. Law enforcement officials would be able to issue a citation of up to $1,000 if there’s a death or even an injury with a firearm, if police can determine a firearm that was unlocked.

Many women, but also men who keep guns in their homes might be ill-served by government telling them they must keep those firearm in a locked case.

Referred to House State Affairs and Judiciary committee, the bill is sure to be controversial. It’s likely that the NRA will oppose the legislation, as it has done in other states. It would be surprising to see the legislation pass in Alaska, and even more surprising to see this governor sign it. more here

18 Comments on Alaska House Bill 203 : Lock guns up at home, or else

  1. “… the right to keep and bear arms … shall not be infringed …”

    Why is this so difficult for so many wanna-be dictators to understand?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “This bill has bipartisan support as it should since all are affected when a child dies or is injured by an unsecured firearm,” said Wool, a Democrat from Massachusetts who represents Fairbanks. “

    There’s your problem right there. Democrat from Massachusetts. I blame all those stupid cable TV shows that have lured progs to Alaska.

  3. “Why is this so difficult for so many wanna-be dictators to understand?

    The (de facto) Constitution and Bill of Rights are just a list of suggestions and generalized guidelines around which to base our form of government, not absolute rules or supreme laws that have some kind of strict meaning by themselves.

  4. Simple solution.
    Your guns are inside your house.
    Lock all the doors to your house.
    There! Now all your guns are locked up.

  5. The libs have been messing with Alaska since the 70’s. I’ve seen it happen. I don’t want anyone to think I condone drunk driving but the warning signs really came out when MADD got strong in Alaska. In fact I think Alaska is one of the first states to have a strong MADD chapter. It was then when I realized how many libs had infiltrated The Great Land.

  6. It’s a little insight about how stupid they believe we are and they feel the need to protect US from ourselves.

    Their belief may be justified….knowing the people were stupid enough to elect such assholes to office.

  7. So a criminal breaks into my home and steals my firearms and I end up the criminal. Meanwhile BLM and Antifa can run around the streets armed and threatening people. What problem are they trying to solve?!


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