Medicine in the 1700s – IOTW Report

Medicine in the 1700s

We can still use the same herbs to treat illness today, like they did in the 18th century, as explained in this video filmed at the Spanish military hospital museum apothecary in St. Augustine, Florida.

17 Comments on Medicine in the 1700s

  1. Brad – you might want to try turmeric with black pepper extract as an anti-inflammatory as well. Turmeric naturally contains some salicylic acid (the same active ingredient as the willow bark and aspirin) as well as other compounds (curcuminoids and other things) that fight inflammation. Recent research also shows it has pretty potent anti-cancer properties with some people healing themselves using it in large doses after chemo / radiation has failed.

    Here’s a link if interested:

    This link is to an article about a woman curing herself with curcumin (a concentrated product made from turmeric) to cure myeloma (a type of blood cancer) after everything else had failed.

    And this is a list of some natural anti-inflammatory supplements. Nature really does have a lot to offer in this area.

  2. … and there is a Vax Live: The Concert to reunite the world on the television tonight

    Hosted by Selina Gomez an event to inspire vaccine confidence worldwide

    This hit has gone from ridiculous to surreal. I turned on Hee Haw and this shit was preempting Hee Haw. The world has gone completely nucking futz

  3. Bubba’s Brother – I second turmeric. Take it weekly (have been for about seven years) and I have to believe it’s working. Only been to a hospital one time, for a kidney stone, and one of my goals is to make it to 60 without having to go again (six years to go).

  4. Chucky, how is your vitamin intake? Lots of things can cause them but I had a stone about 10 years ago (a second one still parked in the other kidney but hasn’t come out yet). I’m convinced it’s because I was mega dosing myself on vitamin C for about a month or two before.

  5. Something I would like to share, I have GERD and allergies. Have been taking OTC allergy meds for years but decided to try local raw honey for the allergies.
    After about a week or two I noticed my constant slight discomfort from GERD was totally gone. I’ve been taking a spoonful of honey for about two years now and stopped twice to see if the discomfort came back it did! So if you have esophageal discomfort try some raw honey. I think it helped with the allergies too.

  6. Grool – as far as vitamins go, B12, C, D3 and K2 (lately, it’s been a combo of the last two in one pill). Started taking the vitamin C right after the kidney stone and haven’t had one issue ever since (12 years and counting).

  7. Thank you for posting this and for the interesting comments, y’all. That first post with the link about COVID and the pine needle tea is a keeper.

  8. Glad to hear about the Turmeric. I’ve been wondering about that. (I have the Arthur Ritis myself 😀 )

    Oh, and it was a long while back, but whoever suggested Swanson vitamins online, thank you! It’s the only place I have found Iron pills in such a low dose! (15mg)

  9. MJA – thought this might interest you regarding turmeric.

    It was probably me that mentioned Swanson’s Vitamins. Puritan’s Pride is also good, but the company was bought out a couple of years ago and their prices have increased significantly (Swanson’s has increased some, but not as much I think). But if you sign up for emails on either site, they send “special deals” and alert you to sales like Puritan’s “buy 1, get 2 free” sale that they have 3 or 4 times a year.

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