Colorado: Dems sue to block homeless camp near Hickenlooper’s home – IOTW Report

Colorado: Dems sue to block homeless camp near Hickenlooper’s home

Colorado Peak Politics-

Five Park Hill residents filed a lawsuit Friday to block a proposed homeless encampment at the Park Hill United Methodist Church, mere blocks from the home of Colorado’s U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper.

The plaintiffs appear to be mostly registered Democrats, including Park Hill resident Blair Taylor, who ran unsuccessfully for Denver City Council against Chris Herndon in 2019.

Ironically, Taylor argued then that Denver’s camping ban amounted to “criminalizing the homeless” and was “unjust.”

Will you vote to end or to keep the “urban camping” ban? Why?

The current policy of criminalizing the homeless is unjust. More than 60 percent of the homeless population work and cannot afford housing. These workers are trying to work within a market that has increased without wages that correlate. The city has the responsibility to build public housing and land bank for current and future needs.

Taylor’s liberal NIMBY hypocrisy is rich. more here

12 Comments on Colorado: Dems sue to block homeless camp near Hickenlooper’s home

  1. I restored the leaded glass, rosette window in that church in the 80s.

    Hick’s reelection combined with the “republican” Party’s abandonment of Tom Tancredo was the final straw for me.

    Fucking Hickenlooper is disgusting, his stint as Denver’s mayor was one scandal after another, and every time I go back to CO now I say, GOOD, you fucking deserve this POS.

  2. Hickenloser hasn’t figured out the trick LA and NYC have been playing for the last 40 years? You buy tickets for a busload of bums and you drive them to another city at least 700 miles away.

  3. Charter a bus. Round up as many homeless as possible with the promise of a free 6 pack. Drop them off in Hick’s neighborhood. Preferably in his front yard. Repeat.

  4. @MJA – youlda thunk he would have seen the South Park episode since they film it in his backyard. 🙂

    Homeless is pretty bad in CO, not as bad as L.A. but pretty bad – even through the cold, snowy winter. I’m thinking it’s the politics…

  5. Hickenlooper ran for President as a moderate and claimed that being a Senator was beneath him. Now that he’s a Senator, Hickenlooper can’t seem to grasp his main chance to become a powerful Senator by opposing at least some of Dementiacrats more crazy policies. His ego is much larger than his intellect.

  6. At one point in the last election, video surfaced of ole’ Chickenpooper explicitly stating that he expected the media to do their job, and protect him from yet another of his seemingly unending corruption scandals.

    MMinWA is absolutely correct, ole’ Chickenpooper is a amoral crook, and has been for decades!!!

  7. I think it’s a very good idea to block the creation of a homeless camp. They are going to need that land to build a camp for all the illegals they wish to relocate into the US. Careful what you ask for, progtards!


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