Citizens Group in Arizona Sues State for 2018, 2019, and 2020 Elections That Were Not In Compliance with Arizona Law – IOTW Report

Citizens Group in Arizona Sues State for 2018, 2019, and 2020 Elections That Were Not In Compliance with Arizona Law

This is what I hoped would happen. It’s going to be very interesting.

Gateway Pundit-

How does Arizona get out of this?  If this happened in Arizona what other states does this apply to?

This all leads back to our investigation of the outfits that certified the Arizona elections and were called back after the election by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) to perform audits earlier after the 2020 election a few months ago.

We reported that the MCBOS would not allow the Arizona Senate to perform an audit of the county’s 2020 Election results.  The MCBOS sued to Senate to prevent the audit.  Then when the Senate updated laws to clarify their right to audit and the courts found that the Senate has every right to audit the county’s results, the MCBOS said ok you can do an audit but we want to select the auditors.  They then said the only firms they would allow to perform their audit were those certified by the EAS.

The problem for the MCBOS was the choice of auditors that the Senate wanted to employ to perform the audit was not theirs.  It was the Senates.  Also, the firms the MCBOS said were certified were not certified.  They hadn’t been for years. read more

12 Comments on Citizens Group in Arizona Sues State for 2018, 2019, and 2020 Elections That Were Not In Compliance with Arizona Law

  1. “How does Arizona get out of this?”

    …”no standing”
    …Democrat judges
    …the Courts simply refuse to hear without comment.
    …BLM gets doxxed information on every juror, and how they vote is leaked as votes against Democrats are portrayed as “racist”
    …they simply kill people in key positions like they did Scalia, or blackmail them like Roberts.
    …another virus is ginned up so the courts have to close until everyone forgets about it.
    …Democrats declare martial law and send everyone who isn’t Democrat to re-education camps.
    …Gun confiscation begins in earnest and everyone forgets this.

    There’s LOTS of ways out. Just look at how faciley they ditched every one of the 2020 election suits brought after November.

    …these will never see the light of day, or be honestly reported on if they do…

  2. Dadof4
    MAY 10, 2021 AT 8:23 AM
    “Well aren’t the bluebird of happiness today?”

    …we all know what the REAL answer is, Dof4, but we aren’t allowed to TALK about it, and even quoting where the Founders DID talk about it will earn you a visit from a 3 letter Democrat agency…

  3. So what, other than trying to force future compliance or forcing changed laws so they legitimize what was done in the previous violations, is expected to come from this?

    I have serious doubts that there is enough power left to the common citizenry to do anything about the rulers doing as the please, either by just ignoring the laws or by simply changing the laws to suit their purposes in the future so there can be no legal challenge to them.

  4. No point in putting a happy face on your country being subjugated by Traitors.
    Submit or die … or kill.

    There are few instances in History of Tyrannies undoing themselves out of dedication to “fairness,” “the rule of law,” “conscience,” or some epiphany.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I say good for them. I don’t want to give up my country to the criminals who are trying to steal it.

    I will pray for God’s mercy and for an honest judge to hear the case.


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