Iran: “Huge Explosion” At Chemical Plant – IOTW Report

Iran: “Huge Explosion” At Chemical Plant

Jihad Watch:

It is not only Iran’s nuclear program that Israel has been steadily degrading. Hardly a month goes by without news of a mysterious explosion, somewhere in Iran — at a chemical plant, an oil refinery, a weapons factory, a liquified gas plant, a missile site. The media focus only on the most spectacular attacks, those directly connected to Iran’s nuclear program, such as the three attacks on centrifuges at Natanz. In the 2010 Stuxnet cyber attack, Israel inserted a computer worm that directed the centrifuges to speed up so fast they destroyed themselves. Then there was the July 2020 explosion, apparently sabotage from within, that destroyed three-quarters of the centrifuges at the aboveground plant at Natanz. And finally, there was the attack in April 2021, this time on the advanced centrifuge plant, just opened, that had been built 50 meters underground. This attack managed to destroy the plant’s electrical power supply and its backup, which in turn caused as many as 5,800 centrifuges to be damaged or destroyed.

But all this time, as the world media’s attention has focused on Natanz explosions, and the assassination of nuclear scientists, and Israel’s managing to seize and make off with Iran’s entire nuclear archive, there have been many other attacks having nothing to do with Iran’s nuclear program. That series of “mysterious explosions” has done great and continuing damage to Iran’s industrial base and to its production of conventional weapons. These attacks, unsurprisingly, do not receive the attention the attacks on nuclear sites receive; most receive only passing mention; others – though known to our governments — are never mentioned at all. So many attacks, at so many important targets, suggests that there is a network of Mossad agents spread throughout Iran, and the Islamic Republic has been powerless to stop them. Their repeated acts of derring-do have left the Iranians rattled. more

11 Comments on Iran: “Huge Explosion” At Chemical Plant

  1. “Their repeated acts of derring-do have left the Iranians rattled.”

    I love it when a mullah rattles…. it always happens when they shake their head!
    They still haven’t figured out that wrapping their heads just intensifies the explosion!


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