‘You’re next’: Romney gets an earful after warning Cheney removal will cost Republicans votes – IOTW Report

‘You’re next’: Romney gets an earful after warning Cheney removal will cost Republicans votes


Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah on Monday predicted that removing Rep. Liz Cheney from her leadership position as the House Republican Conference chair will cost the party voters and lead to election losses in the 2022 midterms and the 2024 general elections.

“Expelling Liz Cheney from leadership won’t gain the GOP one additional voter, but it will cost us quite a few,” Romney posted on Twitter.

Romney’s comments in support of Cheney come ahead of a vote on Wednesday by the GOP caucus in which she is expected to be ousted from her post after surviving a similar showdown in February. Republican leaders have become increasingly disenchanted with Cheney over her pushback on the party’s strategy to focus on working-class voters under an ‘America First’ platform championed by former President Donald Trump.

Earlier this month ahead of a Fox News interview, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) was overheard on a hot mic expressing his frustration with the Wyoming Republican.

“I think she’s got real problems. I’ve had it with … I’ve had it with her. You know, I’ve lost confidence. Well, someone just has to bring a motion, but I assume that will probably take place,” he said.

And on Monday, The Hill reports, McCarthy made clear he supported the Wednesday vote and removing Cheney from the party’s No. 3 position in the House.


20 Comments on ‘You’re next’: Romney gets an earful after warning Cheney removal will cost Republicans votes

  1. When is the last time Mitt was able to talk to an average person on the street without getting an ear full?
    You know,
    A Joe 24 pack
    A Smoke Eater
    A Mom or Dad of 4
    A Retired Trooper
    Someone who deployed on the Kitty Hawk?

    He has no idea how real people feel about him.

  2. Liz Cheny is as big a piece of shit as Romney. The problem is, there are A LOT of Cheney and Romney-type maggots hidden in the GOP – along with the loser of a Chairwoman, Rona Romney.

    We can NEVER trust them.

  3. In other words, if Republicans don’t support RINO sacks of shit, they will sabotage other GOP candidates and actively help the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden ascend to greater power.

    Fuck the Cheneys… Fuck the Romneys… Fuck the McCains… Fuck the Bushes… Fuck the whole lot of these useless sacks of shit.

  4. After Mittens threw the race in ’12, I never again answered any requests for money from “the party”. I’m embarrassed to tell you that I actually contributed to that Sorry Sack of Shirt’s presidential campaign. If I ever meet that sock cucker, I’m going to ask for my $100 back.

  5. Willard is the Marshal Henri Philippe Benoni Petain of the Vichy Republicans. He’s a traitor to the cause. A member of the Morons as well as the Mormon Church. He paved the way for three terms of Obammy and Obiden with Romney Care in Massachusetts. He and Lizzy haven’t got a chance of getting re-elected, so they are going to hector us for disagreeing with them.

  6. Dear Prick Romney: Even your constituents booed you at your last go around. You got heckled on an airline, you asshole, helped with the voting deceit. I’m surprised you haven’t been named in the Mormon pedophile ring that’s prevalent in your church. Are you still wearing those “sacred” underwear, better check the ass end of yours, you’re leaking.


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