Air Marshals Pulled Off High-Risk Flight to Pad Maxine Waters’ Four-Man Security Detail – IOTW Report

Air Marshals Pulled Off High-Risk Flight to Pad Maxine Waters’ Four-Man Security Detail

Judicial Watch:

Federal Air Marshals (FAM) were yanked from a high-risk flight so Congresswoman Maxine Waters could have extra security during a recent trip to Minnesota, though she was already covered by a four-man detail consisting of two Capitol Police officers and two Secret Service agents, according to multiple law enforcement sources interviewed by Judicial Watch. The veteran FAM sources say the California Democrat had two air marshals reassigned to a plane that would otherwise not qualify because it was not considered high-risk. The transfer forced the high-risk flight to complete its trip without the two air marshals originally assigned to it, said Sonya Hightower-LaBosco, a retired FAM who serves as executive director of the Air Marshal National Council. The union represents thousands of air marshals nationwide. “Two air marshals were pulled off a high-risk flight so Maxine Waters’ aircraft could have six armed agents,” Hightower-LaBosco said, adding that two additional armed agents met the congresswoman on the ground.

FAMs are federal law enforcement officers whose primary function is to protect commercial passenger flights by deterring and countering the risk of terrorist activity, aircraft piracy and other crimes to protect the nation’s transportation infrastructure. However, a special “VIP” program launched about a year ago allows members of Congress to get extra protection even though they often already travel with plenty of security on flights that do not meet the threat criteria, usually determined by the FBI, for air marshals. The program “has left a glaring hole in America’s aviation security,” according to a whistleblower complaint filed this year by the Air Marshal National Council with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General. “Recently, the Federal Air Marshal service has assigned a full-time position at the Capitol in Washington D.C. to take requests from Congressional members for Federal Air Marshal coverage of flights these Congressional members are on,” the document, which is also addressed to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, states. “The FAMS are now taking agents off of regularly scheduled high risk flights to put them on flights with members of Congress, that in most cases have their own armed federal security details onboard already. It has become akin to a type of extremely expensive concierge service for Congressional members.” The document cites the recent Waters request as an example, confirming what other sources told Judicial Watch, that “FAMS were pulled off of a scheduled high-risk flight to cover” the congresswoman’s plane. read more

20 Comments on Air Marshals Pulled Off High-Risk Flight to Pad Maxine Waters’ Four-Man Security Detail

  1. Are any of the guys with guns around her White? just wondering if she’s as hypocritical about White cops all being bad as she is about Americans not needing guns.

  2. Why doesn’t she use us, since we’re doing such a good job protecting Black businesses in the George Floyd Cop Free Memorial Zone that she helped to protect?

  3. Maxine Waters does not have the authority to do this.

    So frustrating. Where the hell is journalism. Who what where when why and how.

    WHO GAVE THE ORDER?!?!?! Who asked who to do this. How did it happen? WHY ISN’T ANY OF THAT IN THIS ARTICLE?

  4. Loudmouth Maxine has earned an orange jumpsuit and a very cold jail cell. Won’t she be wailing when her every request is answered with a big fat NO. I can hardly wait.

  5. If you’re worried that your constituents want to kill you, you’re probably in the wrong line of work.

    “… there’ll be no safety in numbers
    When the Right One walks out of the door”

    izlamo delenda est …


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