Disney World, Universal Orlando Among Theme Parks Changing Mask Rules – IOTW Report

Disney World, Universal Orlando Among Theme Parks Changing Mask Rules


Several Florida theme parks, including Disney World and Universal Orlando, are changing their mask rules for theme park guests in light of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) updated guidance regarding coronavirus prevention.

Disney World, for example, said masks for guests would be “optional in common areas” starting Saturday.

Guests at the theme park must still wear masks at “the entrances at all attractions, theaters or transportation, and throughout those experiences,” the company announced.

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5 Comments on Disney World, Universal Orlando Among Theme Parks Changing Mask Rules

  1. Still horseshit.
    They use terms like “actively eating or drinking”

    You can crowd around each other walking down Main Street unmasked but must be masked while riding in a buggy for The Haunted Mansion.
    Assholes need to let go of this shit.

  2. And Disney being “woke” and a big supporter of the CRT racist nonsense tells me there are better options for where and on what to spend my money. Communist Disney is not one. Never understood the attraction of Universal so never had the inclination to go there. Movies are to go see at the theater not pay money to experience over and over at a theme park.

  3. Great experience going to Sam’s club aka Walmart. They got rid of the dystopian signs, entrance counter etc. You just flashed the card like the old days. I haven’t worn a mask this year even when they said they required it but even openly allowing it 70% still wore masks in Texas! Hilariously they said over the loud speaker FREE vaccines in pharmacy with no wait and I didn’t see a person in that area.

  4. Even if Woke Disney said “free tickets” and “no masks”, I still wouldn’t go.


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