“Use The Laws You Have” – IOTW Report

“Use The Laws You Have”

Former Senator Olympia Snowe(R) and former Representative Louise Slaughter(D) introduced a bill, which President GWB signed into law, to protect our genetic information. It is the  The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act .

Learn how that law works to protect you against any vaccine mandates, passports, and even the wearing of masks. At the 1:07:15 time stamp, you will see how important the GINA Act is.
[Saturday May 15 episode. Should be at the very top of the page.]

It’s not just about health insurance and employment.
Use the laws you have.

16 Comments on “Use The Laws You Have”

  1. The problem with laws was supremely evident over the weekend.
    A photo circulated of a half dozen illegal immigrants visiting the White House.
    LAWS?! Bwahahahaha!

    What struck me most was the 350 pound woman among them.
    Oppression takes SO MANY forms these days…

    How about we start with ELECTION LAWS?

  2. The COVID Jabs don’t discriminate; they screw with your DNA whether you’re a man, woman, or child.

    Wake me when this crap is over.

    On second thought, don’t bother.

  3. You guys threw the entire Constitution and Bill Of Rights out over a moderate case of the sniffles that most of you never even had, and you think a law signed by Gerorge freaking Bush is gonna save you?


    Good luck with that.

  4. MJA,
    Which program/podcast? There are a half-a-dozen at the link, not seeing anything about GINA in the brief descriptions. Thx.

  5. The house and senate pass the bill, it’s signed by the president.
    Federal agencies interpret the law, then develope and enact “waivers” through internal regulations to subvert the law.

  6. Louise Slaughter once said that one of her constituents had to wear her dead sisters dentures, while pandering for 0bamacare. I didn’t thing that broad would ever croak.

  7. It is essentially impossible to comply with the laws because there are too many and they are often contradictory.

    But what’s worse is there are more lawyers than laws. And they have all proven to be worthless.

  8. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    Saturday May 15 episode. Should be at the very top of the page.
    Just slide it over to the 1 hour mark.

  9. What’s the point of any law if the democrats either refuse to enforce them, or bully the courts?
    No law, no system, nothing is safe. Put the democrats under control and you restore America.

  10. How does a former Representative introduce and cosponsor a bill?
    I realize that everyone votes democrat when they are dead.
    But democrats can sponsor legislation post career and forever too?
    Is there anyplace in the universe safe from this madness?

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