The next distraction? UFOs. – IOTW Report

The next distraction? UFOs.

Now that people are bored with the CCP-Virus, They’re going to try to scare you with UFO and climate change this Summer. The aliens that are a ‘national security threat’ are at the border, not in space.

Does Slim Whitman work on politicians, too?

Trending Politics:

Sen. Marco Rubio told “60 Minutes” during an interview that was broadcast on Sunday the time for snickering about so-called ‘UFOs’ is over.

Not only are they real, but the growing consensus is the various craft seen and recorded by U.S. military personnel dating back to at least 2004 are not ‘Russian’ or ‘Chinese’ technology.

They come from somewhere else.

“Some of my colleagues are very interested in this topic and some kinda, you know, giggle when you bring it up. But I don’t think we can allow the stigma to keep us from having an answer to a very fundamental question,” Rubio, vice-chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said.

He went on to add that regardless of where these things are coming from, be it an earthly rival or something from beyond our galaxy, they are still violating U.S. airspace and as such are potential threats to national security. So we have to find out more about them. more

41 Comments on The next distraction? UFOs.

  1. I have had more fun over the last couple decades pulling Mel’s Hole pranks on the gullible than a man ought to be allowed to have. I suppose I can cook up something regarding UFOs to further entertain myself.

  2. Get real people, there are no little green men from Mars flying around our skies in UFO’.

    (They’re not little, they’re not green, and thy’re not from Mars.)

  3. When they come out with, “This pilot said he saw (blank)” they can come out with just as many pilots (and more) who say, “Yeah, we get to fuck with the rubes sometimes to make them think “something’s out there” so we can test aircraft.”

    Remember how everyone lost their shit a year and a half before the Stealth was unveiled because they thought it was a space ship? lol

  4. “They’re going to try to scare you with UFO and climate change this Summer.”

    How about aliens warning us about climate change? They aliens always seem to push whatever fear is in fashion.

    Back at the dawn of the atomic age, people who allegedly had contact with alleged aliens all said that aliens were issuing dire warning about nuclear war. And the claim has been made ever since then that UFOs seem to be sighted around nuclear power plants a lot. Now that climate change has eclipsed nukes in the fright show and the Doomsday clock, I imagine that UFO contactees will be relaying news about the disastrous consequences of climate change.

    And when even the Vatican is looking for UFOs, something is up. You’ve all no doubt heard about the Pope’s telescope named Lucifer. I am told that is an urban legend. According to

    “The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, or VATT, is a Gregorian telescope installed by the Vatican Observatory in Mount Graham, Ariz., in 1993. It is a common misconception that the telescope is named Lucifer. VATT shares an observatory with an unrelated telescope named Lucifer but is not named Lucifer itself.”

    Well, that’s reassuring…The Pope telescope is merely Lucifer-adjacent. I feel better.

  5. Wait until the world sees Jesus returning in his clouds of glory. “Look, he is coming with the clouds,” and “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him”; and all peoples on earth “will mourn because of him.” So shall it be! Amen. Revelation 1:7

    Only one that I’m expecting to appear on this planet he created. He’s the beginning and the end, so be it.

  6. Agreed, Goldenfoxx, but when the Antichrist appears, he will likely be in the company and service of “aliens”. The world is being groomed with the myth of extraterrestrials and their superiority.

  7. TimBuktu MAY 18, 2021 AT 3:09 PM

    Pimply-faced Space Nerds need a cause and now they have one. They’ll stop spanking the monkey for awhile.

    My money is on them picking up the pace and going double time.

  8. The only hole I see in the “cover story to hide advanced military technology”, is that Slow Joe is infamous for not being able to keep a secret. He would have blabbed to a TV camera about this within 5 minutes of being briefed.

  9. I grew up pumping gas since my dad owned a full service Shell gas station and auto repair shop. I always provided service with a smile and a fake bow tie and white shirt and wasn’t a flunky who hates his or her job. We also checked under the hood, cleaned windows, checked the air pressure in tires etc. And I just noticed that the last semi full service gas station just closed on Spokane’s South hill nearby where our Shell station was closed permanently after being in being business for the past 50 years or more. I hate convenience stores that sell gas and ripoff priced junk food and pop/beer etc. I call them stop and robs. And I could make and give out correct change without any trouble unlike all the idiots who work in convenience stores who don’t know their ass from their minimum wage hole in the ground.

  10. I was watching Tucker yammer on about UFOz on last night’s show, when he mentioned an interesting point. This Ewe-FO phenomenon has been going on for seventy years. It is NOT coincidental at all that Dennis Gabor was chosen to receive a Nobel Prize based on Gabor’s work about seventy years ago on holograms.

  11. Well the UFOs haven’t done anything sinister to us in 70 years, so I’d rather leave them alone and focus on something that we know will actually harm us. Like the Democrats.

  12. So…….which scenario are the DildoCrats going to play to try and scare us?
    (NB: all episodes are from the original B&W Twilight Zone late 50s-early 60s)

    “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street”, will the DildoCrats scare us because we saw our own shadow?

    “The Gift”, in the fear of our overactive imagination, will we kill the peaceful alien that wants to give us priceless gifts of knowledge?

    “The Fear”, will we eventually “pierce” (pun intentional) through the aliens’ disguise and see them for what they really are? Attempting to be intimidating, yet small and helpless after all.

    I would say that everyone who is an aficionado of book, movie, and TV scifi, will not be scared by any DildoCrat “UFO” play tactics.

  13. Fearless Leader from the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show the dictatorial leader of the fictional country of Pottsvlvania whose minions include the spies Boris and Natasha was far more of a fearless leader than joey will ever hope to be. Joey is a confirmed graduate of the Neville Chamberlain school of appeasement and chickenshit failed diplomacy, as is john effin kerry and our worthless state dept. and its so called diplomats.

  14. Well, the aliens would be sure to get a better deal for themselves with biden than with trump…
    To serve man – it’s a cook book!
    Was if the vaccine was just an alien marinade?

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