Report: Kamala Harris Keeps An Enemies List Of Journalists – IOTW Report

Report: Kamala Harris Keeps An Enemies List Of Journalists

Especially the liberal ones.

Vice President Kamala Harris keeps a list of reporters and other political players who might be deemed racist or who “don’t fully understand her or appreciate her life experience.”

Harris declines many interview requests, but that hasn’t stopped her from keeping an eye on those writing about her, The Atlantic said in a lengthy profile on the vice president published Monday.

“The vice president and her team tend to dismiss reporters. Trying to get her to take a few questions after events is treated as an act of impish aggression,” Edward-Isaac Dovere wrote. “And Harris herself tracks political players and reporters whom she thinks don’t fully understand her or appreciate her life experience.”

One example of that, Dovere was told, was how Harris often mentions when a Washington Post reporter mistook the cheer of the historic Black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha for “screeches.” more here

16 Comments on Report: Kamala Harris Keeps An Enemies List Of Journalists

  1. Just think how many people are on it now. Tens of millions of voters who know the dreadful Jamindian didn’t really get elected. Once she takes over from Dementia Joe Obiden Bama, Kalamity’s enemies list will be more than half the country and growing with every new policy failure. Inflation, illegal aliens, unemployment and unbridled crime will be her legacy.

  2. She knows she’s trash, and is shitting in her bloomers with insecurity. So she works on enemies ‘lists’ instead of doing the work she was fake-elected for.
    Inside the heart of every whore, there is another whore.

  3. “Vice President Kamala Harris keeps a list…”

    Of course she does…because stoners can’t even remember what they were just thinking, let alone all those who had previously harshed her mellow!


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