C-SPAN callers embarrass Teachers Union President on live TV segment – IOTW Report

C-SPAN callers embarrass Teachers Union President on live TV segment

Angry Parents Pepper Teachers Union President Randi Weingarten With Questions.

4 Comments on C-SPAN callers embarrass Teachers Union President on live TV segment

  1. The bitch sits there totally disinterested in any of the comments.
    “If you people think we’re trying to teach your children the basics then you have no clue!”

  2. Public schools are government jobs now, good paying jobs with pensions. The federal government has been in cahoots with the teachers unions for so long that they are one. I’ve seen local teachers who can’t teach but are able to get out with their petitions asking support for a liberal agenda. Wish we had an alternative for all parents. Some cannot homeschool or afford private schools.

  3. Not me
    Bullshit. Anyone can home school. In order to home school our daughter, we lived on $17,000 a year, and we were renting. If your children are more important to you than money, you can home school.

  4. This is an evil, entrenched, power-mad woman who couldn’t give a crap about children. The fact that she’s been in this position for decades with zero accountability as the public schools get worse and worse tells you all you need to know.


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