Has Befuddled Joe Biden Zoomed To Another Galaxy? – IOTW Report

Has Befuddled Joe Biden Zoomed To Another Galaxy?

Remember the 25th Amendment to the Constitution?

Howie Carr Show:
When Trump was president, it was cited about every 10 minutes on CNN and MSDNC as their dream way to quickly removing POTUS, after the vice president and a majority of the cabinet issued a “written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

But now the 25th Amendment has vanished from the national conversation.

Yet I wonder what would have happened if Trump had ever been even half as incoherent and just plain not all there as Dementia Joe Biden has been just over the past two weeks.

In New London Wednesday, he talked about the “Galapos Islands,” and decried “Hiranian gunboats” harassing US Navy ships.

In Michigan, he called rabidly anti-Israeli Rep. Rashida Tlaib “Rasheed” three times in five seconds. On a Zoom call, he introduced Michelle Lujan Grisham as “the governor of Mexico.” He said the gasoline lines are in “the Southwest” before correcting himself.

Biden has also forgotten or butchered any number of names.

“I want to make it clear to you I’m encouraged not just because of a solid meeting with uh with uh the uh

… Republican leader in the House.”

That would be Rep. Kevin McCarthy. MORE

13 Comments on Has Befuddled Joe Biden Zoomed To Another Galaxy?

  1. Didn’t you read the fine print that says that the 25th Amendment only applies to Republican Presidents?

    John Roberts confirmed it and said that anyone making a challenge to that did not have standing.

  2. Doesn’t matter. The blithering old fool’s mental failings will be ignored and excused until he effs up so badly that it can’t be memory holed. Then we get K-Ho, which will just be more of the same since she’ll be manipulated by the same puppet masters as Joe. There will still be slips of the tongue, but of a different sort.

  3. No one in the media may be talking about Tapioca Joe but the World knows what’s going on. All heads of state and all international media know they’re dealing with a weak, declining old fool and they’re going to take advantage of him . . . and us.

  4. The problem is, if DementiaJoe garbles, mangles and mumbles his words and no one in the state-run media reports it, did it really happen? Inquiring useful idiot minds want to know (not really, they just want the pablum served up by the demedia).

  5. Remove Biden with the 25th and you have President Harris, who could appoint, say, Hillary or Pelosi as VP who could then become President as vote fraud is proven and Harris is pressured into resigning because of it.

    Many winners that way, but maybe not the ones you would want them to be.

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