Tulsi Gabbard Demands Chicago Mayor Resign For ‘Blatant Anti-White Racism’ – IOTW Report

Tulsi Gabbard Demands Chicago Mayor Resign For ‘Blatant Anti-White Racism’

Daily Caller:

Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard accused Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot of “blatant anti-white racism” Friday for only granting one-on-one interviews to “black and brown” reporters.

“Mayor Lightfoot’s blatant anti-white racism is abhorrent,” Gabbard, a fellow Democrat, said. “I call upon President Biden, Kamala Harris, and other leaders of our county—of all races—to join me in calling for Mayor Lightfoot’s resignation.”

“Our leaders must condemn all racism, including anti-white,” Gabbard, who is Samoan, added. MORE

15 Comments on Tulsi Gabbard Demands Chicago Mayor Resign For ‘Blatant Anti-White Racism’

  1. Respectfully, I might agree with you, joe6pak, if only you didn’t misspell “most” as “some.”

    We really are living in the matrix in a way. Nothing is real (like Republicans being conservatives) except for us being flesh and blood.

  2. Not a chance. Mayor Lizardface is a member of at least two Demwit protected classes – black leftist and homosexual.
    Gabbard calling on unelected pResident Xiden and his administration to get rid of Mayor Lizardface is like satan trying to cast himself out of power.

  3. Good ‘ol Tulsi: she is the best of the worst.

    She has signed on with the democrat party, which has become – literally – the Nazi party of pre-war Germany.

    No one signed on with the democrat party can escape the shame of being allied with Jew-hating maniacs like Omar, Tlaib, AOC, and the like.

  4. ^^^^^^
    You should actually do some research before writing shit to prove how stupid you are. I’d never vote for her. But with the exception of gun rights she would do a new Trump admin more good then the last one.

  5. Ironic coming from a representative from Hawaii, a place where anti-white racism is so baked into society that there are literally entire towns wehre whites are neither allowed to live in nor go to. And half the people living in those neighborhoods are fat, worthless losers living their entire existence of the white man’s tax dollar.

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