Amazon halts construction at Connecticut site after 7th ‘noose’ found – IOTW Report

Amazon halts construction at Connecticut site after 7th ‘noose’ found


Amazon is halting construction at a facility in Windsor, Connecticut after workers discovered the seventh case of a “rope which could be interpreted as a noose” at the site.

The first six were discovered at the work site during the last week of April.

The latest was Wednesday, when officers on a private duty assignment “were made aware of the discovery of a rope which could be interpreted as a noose hanging within overhead beams on the site,” police said.

“We continue to be deeply disturbed by the incidents happening at the construction site in Windsor and have ordered its shut down until necessary security measures can be put in place,” Amazon spokesperson Kelly Nantel said.

The ropes were hung in an area without surveillance cameras, police said, according to the Hartford Courant, and because the area has “hundreds of employees from various companies,” there’s been limited information on suspects. more

32 Comments on Amazon halts construction at Connecticut site after 7th ‘noose’ found

  1. …I seriously doubt that Amazon knowingly hires White contractors anyway, especially with all the minority set-asides and government programs and the cheaper Hispanic and African illegal immigrant labor available, which should negate the entire concept of the noose as a “White Supremacy” threat, or at least relegate it to the same status as the word “niqqer”, in that THEY are allowed to use it, just no HONKEYS allowed…

  2. Kcir (cause I give a kcuf)
    MAY 23, 2021 AT 10:08 AM
    “Call bubba wallace to investigate. 21st place will still be waiting for him when he gets back.”

    …yeah, they’ll be riots to make them “fix” that yet, probably by hobbling all the White drivers’ cars, or simply calling them “racist” if they actually try to “beat a Black man”.

    Gotta do it.

    “Equity”, doncha know…

  3. “rope which could be interpreted as a noose”
    “We continue to be deeply disturbed …”

    They’re worse than “deeply disturbed” they’re frikken retards!
    And it’s either a noose or it isn’t! If it’s open to “interpretation” then it isn’t!
    Thirteen turns and it slips – that’s a noose.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I was on a construction site where they hung the generator from the crane hook and raised it in the air at the end of every day. The generator was black. I didn’t say anything thing so I am apparently a racist.

  5. …and if ANY of these morons ever actually did WORK for a living, they’d know there’s TONS of uses for a looped rope, NONE of which involves HANGING people.

    …I look at a looped rope on a construction site and see a tool for aiding in that construction.

    …THEY look at a looped rope on a construction site and think about hanging Black people.

    …please explain to me just WHO is the more racist in their thinking, then..

  6. By now, the FBI must have a whole floor devoted to Noose Forensics. In related news, a pile of asphalt which could be interpreted as a tarbaby has been discovered at a roadwork site.

  7. Next up, they’ll have to close every hardware store for having spools and spools of noose-like substance….

    Wait until they realize their pot is grown from hemp plants!!!

  8. “Why are nooses so scary?”

    Same reason negroes can’t stand the sight of white bed sheets – sends em into sputtering paroxysms of spastic rage – and makes em beat the snot out of old decrepit chinky-looking women.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I have a master electrician license. I have worked on job sites all over the world. When a group of workers are pulling cable, especially in an industrial application, they typically use a knot called a modified timber hitch. It does look a bit like a noose, but all it does is make the knot exert more force on the head of the bundle to keep it from slipping or coming off. I could be wrong, but that sounds like what might be happening. I am curious about who the electrician on site is, if he or she was worth their salt, I would think that they would have spoken up.


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