CDC investigating reports of heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination among young people – IOTW Report

CDC investigating reports of heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination among young people


The relatively infrequent reports of heart muscle inflammation seem to have taken place “predominantly in adolescents and young adults;” “more often in males than females;” and more often after the second vaccine shot. The discussion pertains to the mRNA vaccines, which would include the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.


14 Comments on CDC investigating reports of heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination among young people

  1. …actually, young people push the envelope more and so sometimes produce heart problems from pushing too hard, like enlarged hearts and aortic aneurysms. I’ll never forget a super healthy 20 something we got called to when he collapsed nose-first while driving to the basket at a midnight basketball game and never moved on his own again. Healthiest, most muscular, most fit guy I ever saw, except for the fact he was entirely dead.

    We didn’t know at the time, but he had a blowout in his aortic arch, and anything we put in him just pumped back out into his chest cavity again, so we never even got a pulse. Pathologist said it probably would have blown up sooner or later anyway, but since guy was a HUGE exercise fiend he definitely hastened his end by upping the pressure so much and so frequently.

    …so sure, let’s take kids like this and give them an untested shot for a “disease” they may never even know they HAVE with a 99.999% recovery rate if they DO get sick, that gets their already active hearts all inflamed. Sounds like a GREAT idea!

    …if you’re in the FUNERAL business.

    R.I.P., young dudes who helped their illegitimate Democrat government kill them in favor of an entirely unvaccinated replacement illegal immigrant population, if you’re lucky it MAY be kind of quick, so there’s that…

  2. Slightly OT. I’m a simple guy. Machinist. I deal with “Documented Information”. I have a hard time listening to Fauci changing his position faster than I change my underoos. The guy has zero credibility he’d be a fucking joke in any other discipline.
    My main business is building legacy parts for the military. Mainly flight platforms. So I’m accustomed to names, titles, acronyms some bureaucrats came up with that make zero sense. So I’ve been struggling with “Gain Of Function”. If you’re as slow as I am it means weaponized.

  3. I’m not young* but covid DID indeed inflame my heart.
    That, along with breathing issues was the most scary part.
    My heart felt bruised and I believe did some possible long-term damage.
    Those rat bastard chinks came up with some evil shit that affects people differently.

    *Not as old as Uncle Al though…

  4. Brad, maybe you could build Fauci some underoos with some B52 parts in them.
    Yep, he was a big part of this mess, his funding started what we are going through and he needs to hang for it.
    He needs to be looked into with a deep dive into his money trail,how he got it and what he is doing with it.

  5. “CDC is investigating…” Don’t made me puke.
    All they know how to do is spin lies and obfuscate.
    They’re investigating what they can blame for vaccine side-effects and deaths.

    Wait until this Fall and they roll out the “Booster” shots. Vaxxers will be sh!tting bricks of “Buyers’ Remorse.”


  6. I noticed that one of my customers in Moses Lake, Wash. yesterday had a sign prominently displayed on his front door that said that they believe in privacy and will not require people to prove their vaccination status when they buy any flowers from them. Good from them, bravo!


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