Hope Your Day Is Better – IOTW Report

Hope Your Day Is Better

Lion tamer mauled at Russian circus.
It doesn’t look so bad, but I bet the tamer doesn’t think so.

13 Comments on Hope Your Day Is Better

  1. OMG! I hate wild animals cooped up in cages, in circuses and zoos.

    JUST THINK, your cat would kill and eat you if she could. Slinky used to sit on her bed next to my chair an put one paw on my wrist. I think she was checking for a pulse… heh!

  2. …I remember some book where a character was sentenced to be placed in a lion preserve as a death penalty. They weren’t bound or restrained in any way, but the sentencing judge assured them that “you will spend this evening as lion shit on the forest floor”.

    …seems like a pretty cold line to ME, maybe something to consider for..you know, later, when history inevitably repeats…

  3. Now the vaccines are suspected of causeing heart inflamation in young people who get the jab.
    And there are multiple reports of the spike proteins in the vaccines causing pregnant women to have miscarriages and the same spike protein causing male infertility because of the same thing.

    And over four thousand people dead from this killer vaccines according to the vaccine adverse event reporting system.

    Have a nice day.

  4. Heh, slaves were thrown into the lions den during the Roman Empire for sport. Spectators from miles around came to enjoy the festivities of watching a lion eat a slave before tearing them apart. It’s no different today – human nature is the same today as it was back then. Then we had the town square guillotines, burning innocent people at the stake, and people are upset because an idiot got into the ring with a wild animal and watched it happen. We aren’t really a civilized society and never will be. JMHO

  5. Goldenfoxx MAY 24, 2021 AT 10:43 AM…that is so true and why there will never be a “utopia” or peace on earth. We still have a connection to our pre-historic origins.

  6. Animals are way stronger than humans pound for pound. Big mammals about 10 times stronger, I’ve read, some insects a lot more than that, like 50 times.

    IMO, that’s why God got rid of the bigger or more vicious beasts. Humans could not compete with sabre-toothed tigers and mastadons, let alone dinosaurs.

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