Colorado: Democrats work special weekend session to raise your taxes – IOTW Report

Colorado: Democrats work special weekend session to raise your taxes

Colorado Peak Politics: As the legislative session moves into the final weeks, the state House held a rare weekend session that saw Democrats trying to rush their priorities, while Republicans tried to slow their roll. What are they up to?

4 Comments on Colorado: Democrats work special weekend session to raise your taxes

  1. Government is insatiable. Their demands for more control, more regulations and laws and more of your money have been on the upswing since forever.

    And what the Federal government is doing by hocus pocusing trillions of dollars of fairy dust money is just flat out evil.

    These pols seem to be catering to a constituency that doesn’t exist any where close to the real numbers. Maybe it’s the crowd I run in but I’ve never heard anyone advocating for debasing our money.

    Sure was a great ride.


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