Biden is pissing off The Squad – IOTW Report

Biden is pissing off The Squad

The big-spending Biden administration reportedly is going back on a campaign promise to cancel $10,000 in student debt per person, according to several news outlets.

In a federal budget that is set to be unveiled next week, President Joe Biden is apparently abandoning that commitment, which will probably be a great disappointment to the Bernie bros and the Ocasio-Cortez cohort.

Biden also expressed some degree of skepticism about the idea in a recent New York Times interview, although it remains to be seen what the fine print of the budget will look like upon its release.

In a November 16, 2021,  2020 speech, however, Biden said that implementing the $10,000 loan forgiveness should be “done immediately.” MORE

SNIP: That should say ‘2020 speech’ not 2021.

12 Comments on Biden is pissing off The Squad

  1. He pissin’ on THEM, but he’s crapping big, Communist Chinese turds all over the country. Get out your biggest serving spoons and check his pants. I nominate Kcir! 🙂


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