Drama Is Her Oxygen – IOTW Report

Drama Is Her Oxygen

Patriot Retort:
The Democrats, not to mention some Republicans, can’t stop with the over-the-top histrionics over the January 6 melee at the Capitol.

It really is getting silly.

But if you think Liz Cheney or Nancy Pelosi have been bad, they’re nothing compared to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her responses to the January 6 riot were already crazy. But over the last four months they’ve only gotten crazier and more outlandish.

Last Friday, in an interview with “Latino USA,” Ocasio-Cortez claimed that members of Congress “served in war” because a mob of idiots trespassed on the Capitol on January 6 for a few hours.

“This was an all-out attempted coup,” G.I. AOC said.

Hahahaha! No it wasn’t.

What happened on January 6 wasn’t a coup.

It wasn’t an “insurrection.”

And it sure as hell wasn’t your Vietnam, you silly clown.

Just because you were hiding in a building nearby when the riot began doesn’t make you Audie Murphy for crap’s sake.

But wait. She said more!

21 Comments on Drama Is Her Oxygen

  1. Kevin Mccarthy tweeted a condemnation of Marjorie Taylor Green.
    For comparing the dems covid response to the holocaust.

    Can’t find a tweet of Mccarthy condmemning comparisons of jan 6 to 9-11 or pearl harbor.

    I’m telling you the republican party is worthless and they will save you from nothng.

  2. The left now call this “Emotional IQ”. Yes folks, they now have rationalized their out of control emotional responses as a form of “intelligence” and have labeled it so. Empathy is now critical to the modern work place and the more you care the higher your emotional IQ. Facts, especially hard to challenge facts have no place in ones IQ anymore. It’s all about feelings. We have now stepped into…The Twilight Zone.

  3. When you have nothing, you resort to zeal.
    There’s literally nothing to promote their hate-America agenda (outside of enriching themselves at the expense of the taxpayers and destroying America), so they belabor every side-issue with lies and distortion to confuse the easily confused and position themselves as zealots.
    Kevin McCarthy’s one of their succubi. Apparently he has no principles and must follow the pack whichever way it leads. The true measure of the successful politician is his “flexibility” – in other words – he must be an amoral sociopath (is there such a thing as a “moral” sociopath?).

    When you have to disguise your agenda you must re-double your propaganda.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. An Uncle whom I never had the pleasure of meeting, lies buried in a cemetery in Luxembourg, not too far from Gen Patton’s grave.
    THAT was a war, you useless cunt.
    I hope you burn in Hell.

  5. G.I. Lame VS. PFC 10 INF 5 DIV.

    I think I’ll back the guy who gave all.
    I will back the guy who ran to face a real enemy.
    I can’t give 2 fcuks for a stupid bitch who cowered from an imaginary for.

  6. People are mad at AOC because they are unable to share in the glory of what would have happened had there been an insurrection. The words of my college chemistry instructor, “In the spirit of our founding fathers, lets throw a revolution.”


  7. This goes hand-in-glove with Jen Psaki’s claim that there were A number of officers who died the day of the Capitol riot…

    You’d have to have an IQ lower than Jackass Joe to believe this shit! Unfortunately that appears to be about 33% of the country!

  8. …that poster makes me think she’d be a good Ripley in “Alien 3” because she has the look, plus while the plot is not relevant at all, I’d LOVE to see an alien almost as evil as she burst out of her chest and end her forever while maybe killing the rest of the Squad on its way out…


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